chapter ten

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                              Sophie ♥️
Miguel keeps his words and am standing outside my still looks the same and I can't help it but remember how happy I once was in this house.Every moment I spent with my father and I can't believe in three months he won't be here anymore.
Miguel interrupts my thoughts.
'sophia are you alright' he asks while wiping my teary eyes.

Yes am fine and why would you care?

'lets not forget why we are here in the first place.'

Am sure you came here to see for yourself if he is sick or not.

'maybe I am and lets go you wouldn't want to keep your father waiting.'

No I wouldn't want that,I tell him while walking to the door and before I can ring the bell the door opens to reveal my father.

'father am so happy to see you.'

I didn't think you would come to see me very soon.

'i also didn't think so but Miguel allowed me to come.'

"You didn't tell me he was coming,"my father asked looking behind me.

'i had asked her not to so I could suprise you,'

Welcome inside and I will go and ask your mother to bring some snacks.
Within seconds my mom appears carry a tray  with to glass and a plate of biscuits.

"Miguel you should have told us in advance that you were  coming so I could have made some delicious meal for you "she says while eying him up as if he is some candy.

No need for all that,we aren't staying for lunch.

'oooh Sophia am sorry I didn't notice you.

She doesn't even ask me how I have been and walks away.i sometime wonder if she is my mom.
So father how are you feeling.
'am not feeling like myself.'

I wish I could do something to help you.

'dont bit  yourself around because of something  You can't control.'

I was so very angry with you but you are dying and I don't like it on bit.

'it is okay but let's make this three months more interesting before I leave.'

Okay father ,I love you so much.

'i love you too my little girl,go and see your mother so I can talk alone with Miguel.

Sure father but don't do anything I don't agree  with.
   'i know you don't love my daughter'
And what is that supposed to mean .

'I want you to forget your revenge and divorce her.'

And what has caused you to change your mind.

'nothing but since I am dying I just want to know my daughter I okay and if she will stay with you she is bound to get hurt.'

But I can't just forget when your other daughter made a mistake by stealing for me.

'i can offer your money back in exchange for my daughter.'

And how are you supposed to get all that money.

'i have a hidden account that I always deposit Money so when anything happens to men then Sophia won't have to suffer.'

I can't let her go.

'i know deep down you are human and even though you are scarred that doesn't mean you should stay angry all your life '

You know nothing about me and I don't think you have any right to question me when you give our daughter away to a monster like me.

'am sorry if I touched a raw wound but think about it '

I have nothing to think about,call my wife and tell her to come outside we are leaving.

Am trying to make a civilized conversation with my mother but she good at ignoring me.
I spot my father coming and I can see he isn't happy with the out come of the talk he had with Miguel.
'father did you talk with Miguel?'
Yes but he is too stubborn,he can't listen.
'but I asked you not to worry about me,I can as well take care of myself am only worried about your health.'
I know my girl but you shouldn't have to pay for the wrongs your sister did.
'does she know you are very sick?'
No because I don't know where she is.
'okay father take care,I have to go before he comes to find me.'

I walk outside and find Miguel waiting on the black Mercedes Benz.
I occupy the sit next to him and the drive locks the door.
"What took you so long to come?"
I just couldn't leave without talking to my father.
"I thought you were lying when you said he is dying."
I can't lie about something like that.

"Am sorry,I have no idea what you are feeling."

Thanks for caring.
I face outside the window and wonder why he suddenly cares.i know I shouldnt confuse his pity and think he has some how developed some feelings .
Tears stream my eyes thinking about the condition my father is.he said he feels okay but am sure he is just faking it all so I don't worry.he has no one else expect my support.
'sophia we have reached home.'
Okay I will be in my room.
'are you alright.'
Yes I will be fine,I just want to be alone and try to bury this emotions away.
I wipe my tears and run to my room locking the door.

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