chapter seven

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I wake up and go straight to the bathroom to take a bath.when am done I go into the walk in closet and get a floral black dress.
I don't like this classy dress but they will have to do for now.
While am looking myself on the mirror,I accidentally look outside and see Miguel walking through the old gate.

'i wonder what you have been up to Miguel' I ask no one in particular.
I decide to let it go but I will keep on looking until I find something I can use against him.

I walk outside my room and walk to Miguel's office and find it slightly opened.
I don't knock and walk straight inside and take a sit.

Do you like get on my nerves?

'no but I enjoy making thing Alot harder for you'

If you enjoy yourself that much then I will feel alot better when I punish you.

'do you like hitting women?'

I don't think you want to know the answer,so tell me wifey why have you graced me with your visit this morning?

'i need an update regarding the where about s  of  my sister'

There isn't a thing to tell,so leave I have alot of work to do.

'If you find her what will you do?'

When I do then she will pay for betrayal.

'Why can't you let things be.'

Are you asking me to forgive her?

'No but you are making me pay why do you need her?'

Don't let people fool you,there isn't a need to cover for your sister because she brought all this problems in your life.

'am going so you can do your work'

I know I had hit a nerve but Sophia is such a naive person.she doesn't belong in this world full of selfish people like me and her family members.she is better off with me than them but I know it's a lie,I will destroy her and at the end she will be just like me.

I have no idea what the future is installed for us but if I get out of this a live then I will do anything to keep her.
There will be blood shade and I will have a pound of flesh of my father's corpse.i will watch life slip out of him like my sister's did when she died.
That man turned me into this monster I hate.
Revenge is how I can deal with this hatred I feel inside and not even Sophia can change my resolve.

I close my laptop and go to the kitchen.

Carmen where is my tea?

'Give me a second,I'll pour you some.'

What so good about tea?

Sophia....Sophia....drink some then you will love it.

"No,I can't drink that,I prefer coffee."

It's your loose.

"What are you two discussing about?"Carmen asks.

'We were  discussing what's better tea or coffee'
Carmen if you don't mind tell this mister that coffee is the best.

No I won't bi little anyone's preference.

Why not Carmen?

Because she can't take sides.

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