chapter eighteen

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                              Sophia ♥️
It has been three months since I found out am pregnant.
Everything has  been great so far.
Alot of changes have taken part in my body.
Miguel has made sure I get fed and have enough rest like the doctor had asked.
It's a bit strange that the doctor who had done those test never came back but who am I to complain?
Maybe miguel fried him or he quit.
The one thing that has been bothering me is that since our conversation one month ago Miguel has clearly been avoiding me.
He wakes up early before I do and comes to sleep late.
I don't understand why he suddenly changed so much,it's like a different person from the one I knew.
I mean who am I kidding he is still the heartless man that married me to punish my sister and the man who is going to take my child away.
My baby healthy as per the doctor who is currently hired after Jeremy disappeared.
Lately my emotions have got the better part of me.
Sometimes I cry just because I miss what we had with miguel.
Am always horny but he seems to be doing fine.
I miss the wild sex we had and I would give anything to go back there.

I decide to go and look for him.
Am busy in my office doing some work when someone knocks on the door.

"It's open get inside."I say while still caught up with my work.

Excuse me,I hope I didn't come at the wrong time.

I look up to find sophia staring at me .

'or should I leave? ' she asks

I ignore her and continue typing,once am done I close my laptop and stare at her to speak.

Am....I should leave I think this can wait.

Don't it must be important if you came to look for me.

No it's nothing.

Why has the cut got your tongue.

No miguel but you have been avoiding me for month and it's clearly fucking up with my mind.

Have not been avoiding you.

Then what do you call this 'you haven't touched me for so long.'

You should have said you missed me.

I don't and you have forgotten am in this state because of you.

I remember clearly and I can see it for myself.

Then why are you doing all this.

Am just giving you space.

Which space when am always horny while caring you child and your life is just okay.

You have just said it you need sex.

To hell with you am going to find some way out of  this.

What does that mean?

You will find out soon just hung in there jerk.

I have stayed away from my wife.i know the reason I am married to her and I can't loose my way just because Sophia's feeling have changed.
I can see it in the way she looks at me and I can't let her weaken my resolve.
The sex was great and I do miss it but the distance have created between us is for the best.
I can't fall in love with her because at the end of it all I have to let her go like I promised.
She has been taken care of like I had asked Carmen.
The child is growing up normal and there isn't a thing to worry about.

Monster like me don't deserve love and I can't give it either.
Sometimes life is messed up like that.
Everything is always fair in love and war.
And the war I started with my father will lead to blood shade.
No one is save and I need to protect Sophia and my son.
There is always a choice to make and everyone has lost something.
I lost my sister and mother.
Sophia also lost her parents and a child to.
There is always a price to pay,it's either you pay your sin or somebody else sin.
And am always paying mine and I have no idea if my son will be Scarred.
There is no guarantee if we will walk out alive or dead but by any cost I will have to take down my father.

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