chapter fifteen

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                          Sophie ♥️
The burial mass takes place on saint johns cathedral Church.
When we arrive at the church grounds we find a large number of people present.
Miguel greets some and guides me to view my father's casket.
Looking at my father's lifeless body tears stream down my face.all this People have no idea what am going through.
Some look at me with pity and others look at my like am going to crush buy they have no idea how strong I am.
I see my mom walking towards the casket.
"You should be happy,he is dead"
He was my husband too and I feel as much pain as you feel.
"I won't believe any word that comes out if your mouth,"if you will excuse me am leaving.
Wait,am leaving this place for good.
You are?
Yeah and it has something to do with Miguel .

Am currently talking to some important people when I spot Sophie's step mom talking to her.
I am sure she can't spill the truth to my wife right now but she is full of hatred and I can't trust her not to keep her mouth shut.

"What are you two talking about?"

She just said something about her moving away and you are involved in that.

"Yes I asked her to move away so you won't have to see her anymore."

And is there anything else you aren't telling me.


I immediately cut Antonia throne off and  walk away with my wife.

"Hey!what the hell was that for?"

What are you talking about?

I mean Taking me away when my mom had something to say.

Just forget what she said.

You either tell me or I will hunt her down to get some answers.

I bought your house.

You did what?how is that even possible.

Money and don't raise your voice.

Why shouldn't I,you didn't even think it is important to tell me.

I couldn't tell you when your father's funeral is going on.

Okay fine I hope that's all.

Yeah it is.

I lie to her knowing the truth will hurt her more.
The priest commences the funeral and they bury her father on the ground.
Sophia's tries to be strong but she breaks down and I console her until her crying stop.
I give votes of thanks and I take a drained Sophie home to rest.
"Miguel there is someone who want to see you."
Okay Carmen,take care of Sophia for me,I will be back.
I walk to my office and find Antonia throne seated down drinking my whiskey.
"So what brings you here?"
First of all you can't welcome your mother in law nicely.
"You are not here to make yourself comfortable,get to the point or you can leave."
I like people who don't play around and I came here for a reason.
"And that is?"
I need more money.
"You aren't getting any more money from me."
It's okay,but don't forget I will come back to bite.
I'll be waiting,when you leave don't forget to lock.
She walks away but I need to keep a close look on her,she can become a major problem in my future.
I wake up feeling hungry and walk to the dinning room to find Carmen settings dinner.
"Am starving?"
You must be,take this and start eating you need your energy.
"Yes,do you know where Miguel is?"
He was talking to a woman.
"Do you know her?"
No and if you will excuse me,I'll take my leave.
"Thanks for everything Carmen."
You don't have to,I think of you as a daughter.
Carmen leaves and I continue eating when Miguel shows up.
"How are feeling?"
"You should eat some more food."
This is enough for me.
"Who were you talking to in the office?"
A client.
"I know she was a woman."
Are you jealous?
Why would I be,am just pawn that you use for your revenge.
"At least we know where we stand."
Sure,am going to sleep.
I walk to our room and lie down on the am I supposed to survive this hatred?
Father I miss you so much and sooner or later am going to bring a child to this world but he or she will never know you.
And my sister,does she know father is no more.despite all this thing she caused I still do miss her.where are you and why have you stayed away for so long.
I think I should ask Miguel If he found her?
My phone rings and I pick it up to find that mateo is calling.

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