chapter three

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                              Sophia ♥️
I still feel his lips on me and I can't seem to understand how I like it.he is my abductor and I shouldn't have any sort of feeling for him.
He will surely ruin me and when he has had his revenge will he let me go.
I have no idea but he will scar me forever and I won't have a simple life like I thought.
I need to be strong so that at the end I will be free.

The door opens and miss Carmen enters.

'sophia dinner is ready'

Okay I'll be there in a while.

I wipe my tears and walk down stairs and find him seated have dinner.
The dinning table is large made to accommodate many people,I wonder why have such large table when only two people are allowed to use.
Maybe he still holds on to keep the memories he had as a child.

I take a seat  beside him and start eating.

"So what took you so long to come down stairs?"

I was taking a nap and it takes some time to get up.

"I hope for your sake you are telling the truth"

What truth do you want,do you think I Know where my sister is?

"If I thought you knew,then you wouldn't still be here."

Fine,do whatever the hell you think but stay way from my family.

"Your family is already involved but I can't forget deceit."

And I won't forget how you forced me to get married.isn't that a form of deceit?

'Then you should also remember your parents did the same to you or should I remind you that they sold you on a silver plate to save your ungrateful sister."

Don't keep on rubbing salt on my wounds,I still do remember what they did but how sure am I you aren't going to do the same?

'Nothing is for sure in this life,you can't trust people blindly and another thing tomorrow you have a doctor's appointment.'


"You heard me right,you will get tested,I can't take any chances because I need to exercise my rights."

Fine but I need my phone.

You aren't getting any phone unless you learn to respect me.

What do you want me to do so you can give my phone back.

'and how far are you willing to go?'

You want me on my knees is that it?

Yes but doing something else like sucking my cock.

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