chapter twenty two

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                         Sophia ♥️
Carmen comes into my room bringing some clean sheets and change the old one.
Once she has changed the sheet I know it is the right time to make my move.

'Ouch ........excuse me Carmen I need some water ....please hurry.'

Take it is the glass of water drink and try to lie down. think there is something wrong with the baby!

What is it?I think I should call Miguel.

No.....we can't wait that much long or I will loose the baby.


Carmen don't you trust me.....if we don't go to the hospital the baby might die and who knows what miguel will do if anything happens to the child?

Okay,just rest here I will call one of the guards so we can go.

Please hurry.....I trail off pretending to loose consciousness.
Once Carmen has left I open my eyes knowing what am about to do isn't the right thing.
"Am so sorry Carmen,I know you aren't responsible for any of this but you will be my ticket to freedom.once I get to the hospital it would be easy for mother to reach me.
This isn't fair to either Carmen or me but I gotta do what I have to do for my child.
I know I will break your trust but I hope one day you will forgive me Carmen."

I here Carmen and one of the guards coming to my room and I pretend to be unconscious.

"Am sorry madam but the boss said we can't leave the compound unless he authorizes."

'This is a situation between life and death marcos,'if we don't take her to the hospital you are surely going to answer to him,"I here Carmen tell the guard.

But .....

No buts we can't let madam SoFi die,I will deal with Miguel later,help me carry her.

With the help of Marcos,Carmen and another guard they carry me upto the vehicle and take me straight to the hospital.
Through out the journey I can here Carmen Praying to God to protect me and I wonder what she would think of me when she found out I tricked her.
Soon am being carried in a stretcher by two ladies who take me to a room waiting for the doctor.
I need to act quickly because I have no time to waste and sooner or later they will find out I was faking it all .

I wake up slowly taking out the IV in my hand . opening the door I walk to a nurse dressing room picking up one of there inform.
Once am dressed like a nurse I take out the piece of paper that contains the number and walk out through the exit door.
People are giving me weird glances due to my short dress that's not meant for pregnant women.
I spot a landline phone and dial the number on the third ring someone picks up

"Excuse me can I speak to Antonia?"

'Sure,' the man says.

After few seconds Antonia answers

"Hey!sof am sorry for making you wait."

You don't have to apologise,let's meet at our usual coffee spot.

Okay,wait up I'll be right there.

I go to our usual coffee spot and ask for some water while waiting up for Antonia.
I try to act casual as possible but Everytime the door opens I feel spooked knowing I could get caught.
Few seconds later Antonia opens the door and behind her there are two men.

'we should go ,' she says while helping me up.

"Who are this men?"

Ohh honey don't mind them,they will keep us safe.

We exit the coffee shop walking to the parked car around the corner.
One of the men opens the back door and I seat down while Antonia sits with the driver.

I reach home to find my wife and carmen missing.
Before i can call carmen my phone rings.


'where is my wife?'i ask marcos on the other side of the call

"Your wife has dissappered

'how could this happen?'

I dont know boss.....she wasnt feeling well and we thought...

What did you think?

'bring her to the hospital.....'

I hired you to protect her!where the hell were you when she vanished?


'i dont want excusses once i get there i hope i get good news.'

"Okay boss"

Once i hung up the phone, am driving to hospital trying to control the rage that is slowly overpowering me.
In few seconds am walking through the hospital trying to get some information about sophia.
Before long i spot carmen and i walk up to her.
She is quick to keep some space between us.

'carmen ......why......carmen?'i ask her

Listen miguel i didn't......

'just stop giving excuses,' you knew what you had to do'

"But i thought she could die,i love sophia with all my heart thats why i didnt call you in the first place.

'that's your mistake carmen,i brought you into my house as a help and not to form any physical relationship with my wife.'

"Am sorry miguel,it wont happen again."

'no carmen,there wont be a second have broken my trust and sophia is gone.'

She will definately show up.

Before i can say anything marcos comes back carrying sophia's cloths

"Where is sofi and what are you doing with her cloth

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