twenty three

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Once I get inside the vehicle I can't help but feel something isn't right.i don't let that though cloud my mind because I didn't make the wrong decision.
I look at the men placed at either side of me and I can't help but think about the reason Antonia is doing all of this.
All this is for my safety,I tell myself nothing is going to happen.
I keep telling myself this thinking who am I trying to convince.
Before I can think to much into it we reach our destination.

I follow Antonia's lead and she instructs one of the man we came with to take me to the room.

'antonia what is this?'i ask facing her.

"If I were you I won't ask those questions." A much elder version my husband says.

"So it's true that you two are working together?"

'a guess you aren't stupid as you seem.'he says

"So Antonia tricked me!"

Ohh poor SoFi,my daughter in law if things had been different we would be more than friends.

'i would never wish to know such a disgusting man.'

Ouch you hurt my heart and we are tried of hearing your voice,if it were in my hands I would have killed you and that child.

'i won't let you harm my baby,just wait and see Miguel will surely find me.'

Hahaha! hahaha aaaa.....little naive SoFi I Know my son very well and you have betrayed him so what will happen....

He will save his child.

'we can agree on that because I plan on him seeing you and the child dying.'

No this can't be.....

Before I can finish two men carry me up and lock me in the room.

"All this Is my fault.miguel had told me everything but I choose to ignore.
This people are very dangerous,they can go to any limit to hurt my baby.
Am so stupid for believe in Antonia,the woman who never should any kind of love to a lonely child.
My foolishness will cost my little child's life.
And poor Carmen,am sure she is in a lot of trouble because of me.
I broke her trust and I hope one day she can forgive me.
Have also betrayed Miguel even though he couldn't harm our child.he may have forced me into this but he couldn't go this far.
What will he do once he gets his hand on me?
I can't think about myself anymore but for this little baby that's growing in my womb.
I will accept any punishment he gives but he has to find and protect us.

Please God have mercy on me.....

                    Miguel ❣️
It has been three days since my wife has vanished.i haven't slept trying to find her and I feel like sheet and the look Carmen is giving me isn't helping.

Carmen was supposed to leave but Sophia is missing finding her is all I can think off.
Someone knocks on the door and I raise my head to find Carmen about to knock again.

'you can come in,' I tell her

"I know this isn't a right time but take this cup of coffee it will help you to relax."

I don't need it but thank,I'll have it later.


And Carmen

'yes boss.'

"You aren't to blame for the choices Sophia made."

I know but it was within your rights to question me.

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