XXXXV - Seeing things differently

Start from the beginning

She staggered then bent the knees.

"Stay quiet", hissed Law, "you are going to kill you if you continue."

"Oh stop, I will finish by believing that my life counts for you", she laughed.

She therefor complied and let herself fall against the cold floor of room D. She was too exhausted for the moment.

"That way we're even..." Smoker said.

"I don't know what's wrong with you two, is owing me so unbearable?"

"It's a dishonor... for a soldier..." Smoker replied.

"It's a matter of honor," concluded Lucia. "And a touch of pride too I suppose."

Law sighed, they were unrecoverable. Yet he quickly refocused, his biggest problem was still Vergo, who was now in a rage. He had discarded his coat, and had covered himself entirely in Fluid. Lucia could not hold back a hiccup of surprise and fear. This is not good, please Law finishes him in a blow otherwise the three of us are dead.

It was cut cleanly. Not a cry, not a drop of blood. Law's precise sword cut him at the waist, splitting Vergo's body in two. On one side the bust, on the other the legs. Lucia relaxed, letting escape a sigh of relief. Then she realized. He had not only cut Vergo... he had literally cut the whole laboratory, the very mountain was cut in two. And I dared to doubted him.

Law moved closer to her and crouched down to inspect her arm. Using his power, he managed to reassemble the bones in the right position.

"I'll need some material to heal this more effectively, until I can do that, try to move it as little as possible."

"Don't worry about it... "

He sighed before getting up and then held out his hand to help her do the same, she looked at him forcibly:

"Wait a minute, am I dreaming or does the famous and cold great pirate Trafalgar Law offer me his help, and of his own free will."

"Doesn't it ever happen to you to keep quiet?!" he replied, irritated.

"Oh never", she answered with a small laugh.

She seized her hand and rose, she also recovered her sword which had remained in a corner during all the fight and undertook to follow Law towards the exit. He threw an eye to the ceiling:

"It's going to explode at any moment..."

"You've let yourself go a little, do I need to remind it to you?," hissed Lucia.

"Shut up"

"Yes Trafalgar."

She had a little chuckle, certain to have seen a tiny glint of amusement in Law's eyes. So Law, Smoker and herself slowly made their way back to the R-building. On the way, Law told them they should use one of the old S.A.D cars. So she found herself alone behind that car, pushing it with all her might while the other two pulled it forward. They finally arrived at the R building and joined the rest of the people on the island. After a long and bumpy journey, the children, the G5 forces, the straw hat crew and Trafalgar Law finally made it out of the lab, all safe and sound. The Don Quixote Family henchmen who had arrived in the meantime were destroyed and Caesar was captured. By now the crew had almost unanimously decided to recharge their batteries and give everyone a chance to get back to work.

Lucia remained in her corner, a blanket on her back, shivering with cold. Of course, she was the one they had sent to rescue Caesar, Buffalo and Baby 5. She sneezed. Getting into the water didn't bother her, getting out was another matter, especially when the temperature outside was around minus forty. Surprisingly, it was Smoker who approached her with a coat in his hand. She grabbed it and thanked him before putting it on, hoping to warm up as soon as possible.

The Elementalist Lucia [One Piece x OC fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now