Chapter 21: Goodbye and Hello

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alright. took me long enough to get this out.

definitely cried while writing it.

my most recent hospital experience related to pregnancy and miscarriage was during the beginnings of covid and they didn't let anyone in the room, regardless of the situation. so please take the hospital experience with a grain of salt. i forget how it all is supposed to work. lol.

Chapter 21: Goodbye and Hello

As the ambulance raced to the hospital, Jungkook watched as paramedics worked on Jimin.

"We need to inject tocolytics and something to help with his blood pressure. He's had a seizure related to eclampsia." One paramedic spoke to the team. The word 'seizure' triggered fear in Jungkook that caused his mind to race. He feared for the life of his twins and his boyfriend, gulping the lump in his throat unsuccessfully. He watched as his boyfriend's iv line was injected with multiple medications that he had no clue what the purpose was for, but he trusted them with Jimin's and the babies' life right now. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he watched the paramedics having to perform CPR on his boyfriend for the second time, his vitals dropping again. Jungkook's heart stopped when they heard them say that they were losing him.

Just as they pulled to the front of the hospital they continued to perform CPR.

"PULSE IS DETECTED AGAIN!" the paramedic announced while working quickly to get the stretcher moving into the emergency department.

"26-year-old male omega incoming. Pregnant with twins, father of children has indicated that the pregnancy was deemed high risk before incident. Patient experienced high levels of blood pressure and stress and hit the floor hard on impact after fainting. The patient has experienced at least one major seizure. Fetal distress apparent, vitals are going in and out, we have had to perform CPR twice." The paramedic announced quickly but clearly to the intake team as they wheeled Jimin down the halls quickly, Jungkook quickly followed behind them helplessly.

They got Jimin to what looked like an operating room, quickly entering and getting to work, while Jungkook was motioned by a nurse to stay back from entering the room where Jimin was being worked on. Someone came over with a clipboard that had various intake paperwork on it, Jungkook quickly filled out the paperwork until he reached a question that made him drop the entire pen and clipboard and his breath stopped for a moment, caught in his throat.

'In the case of fetal distress that results in the risk of the life of the mother I give consent for the doctors to save the life of the birth giver.' One box read. The other box indicated saving the life of the babies if given a choice between the life of the birth giver and the life of the babies. Jungkook's heart wrenched at having to make that call. He knew deep down that Jimin would likely always be upset with him for choosing him over their miracle babies, but he also couldn't imagine letting Jimin die. Unfortunately, he knew he would have to choose quickly if they were unable to save everyone. He checked a box on the paper and prayed that it would never come down to what he had chosen. The doors opened and someone came out with a grim expression on their face.

"Mr. Jeon, we must move forward with a c-section in order to give everyone the best chance of survival. I must warn you that Mr. Park's blood pressure is all over the place, he is very high risk and so are the babies. Have you filled out the forms indicating what your wishes are if things look grim?"

"y-yes sir. I have filled out the forms."

"We will move forward with the procedure then if you give your consent." Jungkook nodded, helpless and hopeful he made the right decision for his family.

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