Chapter 15: Get Me Out of Here

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couldnt leave yall on a cliffhanger now

Chapter 15: Get Me Out of Here

The day after discussing heading to Busan together, both Jimin and Jungkook contacted their parents and informing them of their visit. Both sets of parents were confused and concerned as to why they were suddenly contacted for visits. Jungkook's parents wondered if something had gone wrong in Seoul or if he was just homesick already. Jimin's father was delighted to hear his son would be paying them a visit, however he was concerned, because he knew that whatever the reason may be a heavy one. He knew Jimin would not just want to visit with his mother for no reason like this, especially since she had never apologized to him for her behavior after miscarrying her grandchild.

Jimin's nerves were shot by the time it got to Friday and they had their bags at the door, ready to go catch their train to meet their parents. The plan was that they would stay in a hotel that night and then meet Jungkook's parents first for a family lunch in their home. Jungkook knew his parents would be way easier to handle than Jimin's, even if they were disappointed in him having a child outside of marriage. He knew they were old fashioned but far from cruel, he hoped Jimin's smile would win them over. At the last few appointments, he made sure that they asked for extra copies of their sonogram prints for both sets of parents, in hopes of the cuteness of the growing babies smoothing over the parental disappointments. Jung-Hyun liked alphas, so his parents were not too convinced they would ever get grandchildren from his brother unless he eventually adopted. Unfortunately, the alpha/alpha adoption process can face discrimination and often get denied, on top of Jung-Hyun not having a boyfriend currently. His parents had been supportive of Jung-Hyun being only attracted to other alphas, putting their love for their child above dated social stereotypes. He hoped the same would apply to him when he walked through their door with a pregnant omega that he was neither married nor mated to. The twins would also give the perception of him being further along than a singleton pregnancy would look like, which may also upset them at first, wondering what took him so long to tell them. Thankfully that part would be easy to explain, once his parents saw the two babies on the sonograms.

Jimin on the other hand, yearned for his father's love, but knew his mother would be problematic. He tried to remind himself inside of his head that he could handle whatever she had to say as long as Jungkook was by his side. If Jungkook's parents hated him, that would definitely add to the anxiety of the visit with his parents that would shortly follow. His mouth felt dry, and he felt a bit nauseous with anxiety, gently clutching his tummy. This action did not go unnoticed by Jungkook, who placed a ginger candy gently into Jimin's palm and kissed him on the forehead.

"Everything will be okay... if anything happens, just say the word and I will take you out of there immediately. I won't let them hurt you, not even with their words." Jungkook said, carding his fingers through the back of Jimin's hair gently, followed by a passionate kiss, swiping his tongue inside of his mouth briefly before pulling away. "lets get going before we end up missing our train. Do you need a snack before we leave the house?"

"I'm ok Jungkook. Thank you." Jimin smiled lovingly at his cute baby alpha.


Jin stared at the object in the trashcan of Tae's apartment bathroom that had been tormenting him all day. He felt tears brimming his eyes for the nth time that day.

"Why does my life have to be this way? What did I ever do to deserve something like this to happen to me?" he wiped his tears before glancing at the small stick once again and walking out of the bathroom.

He would eventually have to face this problem, he would have to be brave soon and speak up before it was too late.

Without words he walked over to Tae on the couch and climbed on top of him, kissing him senselessly. He ripped his shirt over his head before diving in to kiss Tae's neck sloppily, licking and nibbling in between wet kisses.

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