Chapter 5: Anger and Frustration (M)

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Jungkook is a bit of an immature asshole here. He will get worse before he gets better over the next bit of story line. Sorry.

jikook is a hot damn mess. they're bad at feelings. they're bad at making mature and responsible decisions. I know


I do not condone slut shaming, jungkook is be an immature ass hat who cant handle the situation at hand.

Chapter 5: Anger and Frustration

Jimin stood in front of his mirror, applying some pomade to his hair to push it back slightly. He applied a light coverup to his still slightly yellow bruises on his face, the collar of his casual button-up covering all the hickeys left by Jungkook the other day.

"I had the flu." He repeated to himself confidently as he stared at his reflection. A simple and convincing excuse to explain to his coworkers why he was out. He didn't want to explain his sob story to anyone else, nor was it the business of those who only casually knew him.

He heard a knock on his door that indicated Hobi had arrived to pick him up. Tucking his shirt into his skintight black pants, he grabbed his phone and wallet and greeted him at the door.


Jungkook fixed his "movie marathon on the couch" hair and straightened his black tee. Yoongi felt concerned for his boyfriend's baby alpha friend once again when he caught a glimpse of his sad face in the mirror.

"Please take it easy on the alcohol today kookie. We are mostly going there for the food and to have fun with each other. We can order the giant soft pretzel you like so much." Yoongi smiled his soft gummy smile towards him, earning a small bunny smile in return.

"I do like those" He quietly responded. "Don't worry. I may not even drink anything tonight. Drinking only seems to get me into trouble."

"That's a good boy" Jin loudly added, patting Jungkook on the head.

"Hey, I'm not a pup anymore!"

"Well, popping a knot in a random omega and then catching feelings and crying about it sure doesn't make you a grown-ass adult either." Jin snorted in return. Jungkook quickly shut his mouth, blushing while looking down at his feet. Yoongi giggled at the older omega's comment.

"hey... JK, it happens. You fucked up... You just gotta shake it off and move on with your life." Jin softened after seeing Jungkook's expression, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and gently squeezing it.


Both sets of friends arrive at the restaurant, one about 20 minutes after the other and were seated on opposite sides of the building.

They both laughed and chatted with their friends, Jimin with his coworkers, not realizing they were under the same roof. Everything was going great, neither of them thinking about the other. The dinner was their much-needed distraction from one another.


Jimin was heading into the bathroom to wash his hands because their food had arrived. Jungkook was in the process of drying his own when he smelled a familiar scent.

'NO' his eyes widened in disbelief, while he looked Jimin's body up and down. 'fuck... why is he here? What did I ever do to deserve this torture' he thought to himself, as he felt his throat becoming dry and tight.

Jimin's eyes blew wide immediately upon realizing how fucked he was.

'shit. Why the fuck is he here? He would not even let me apologize and slammed his door in my face.' Jimin felt his anger rising at the memory of the door shutting in his face before he was allowed to speak and being called nasty names by the baby alpha, he thought was so sweet at first. His body reacted before he could think things through and he let out an aggressive growl, grabbing the collar of Jungkook's shirt and pushing him up to the wall.

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