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They all had gathered in the living room, all anxious about what Cameron had to say.

The atmosphere was thick and everyone was at the edge of their seats waiting to hear the bad news.

" While I was out trying to figure out who was tracking Ava, I stumbled on some odd information." Cameron said.

" It seems that it's not just one person after her. Me and my team were working on finding who was behind this and found that the killer involved also has a partner." He then looked up at Ace.

" Have you heard of Ivan Alek?" Cameron asked Ace.

Ace's face merged into a shocked look but only for a minute.

" He used to be my boss, yes." Ace answered. He frowned thinking about it.

Ace's past was very complicated and for him to even be here and working with the fbi was a miracle.

" Yes, well, Ivan is one of the most known mafia leaders in the Russian world. He is known to be cruel and deathly. And he's the one after Ava but as I said before he has a partner." As Caleb said this,
Ava was too in shock to react to any of this information; she didn't cry or ask questions, she just stood there still.
She couldn't comprehend why they would be after her but what Cameron said next is what made everything make sense.

" It also seems like our parents are also the ones behind this." This time Cameron didn't say it with confidence he said this with fear hidden behind each word. He knew what his parents were capable of.

He looked more appalled of them then he was of Ivan.

The others looked confused waiting for Cameron to elaborate.

" You think your parents are also behind this?" Farah asked.

Cam nodded. " I think they're the main reason Ava is being hunted right now."

" Why would they want to hurt her?" This time it was Ray who asked. He looked furious, he tightly clenched his jaw trying to maintain his anger.

Though he'd only known Ava for a month from what he could tell she was a very kind hearted, beautiful woman who deserved the utmost respect. Why anyone would want her dead was beyond him.

" We'll, our parents, aren't the most sane people. They have done some things, that for mine and your sanity I would rather not speak of." Cameron said.

" Well what's the plan? We take down the parents then get to Ivan?" This time it was Chris who was asking.

Cameron shook his head no but before he could say anything Ava spoke.

" It would be impossible to track them. Our parents are practically nonexistent. They know more people from the underworld than you could think of." She spoke with authority and power.
" It would be easier to try and find Ivan than trying to find our parents." She added.

" That's what I was thinking." Cam said getting up.

" You will not be able to find Ivan." Ace argued.
" As you stated before he is one of the biggest and most deadly Russian mobsters. He is known worldwide but has never been caught once by any police man. It would be better if we try finding the parents first." Ace says.

" I know just how dangerous Ivan is, but consider what you are saying. Ivan is a mafia boss. He could have assigned anybody in his mafia to do this job for my parents but instead it's him doing it.
Do you know how much money and power you have to have to convince him to work for you?" Cam asked.

Ace grimaced at the thought. " You would have to be more powerful than him and it would at least cost millions to get him onboard. Especially for a job as easy as stalking and killing." Saying this got Ace thinking.

" But since it's so easy for him to kill, why hasn't he done it already? Do they have an alternative motive?" Ace asked no one specifically.

Cam hummed in agreement. " That's what was so odd about all of this. Everything else makes sense but why hasn't Ivan made a move? And who is his partner in crime?" Cam spoke.

They had all gone silent thinking about everything that's been said. Now realizing that this case is more than just a simple stalking, this might turn into a murder or more.

" Ace, you understand why I need you in this case right?" Cam asked, making sure.

Ace's expression hardened thinking about this. " I can't do it." Ace said.

They all looked at him in shock, all except Farah she understood why he was saying no. Because she too could relate.

" I understand we're you are coming from but I will not put you in any danger.
All I'm asking for you is to reach out to Ivan and tell him that you want to meet and discuss going back to the mafia." Cam said in a calm voice.

" You will be protected and there will be more than 10 FBI agents there with snipers if anything doesn't go according to plan. You will not be alone. And I swear on my life that your wife and kid will be safe." Cameron tried reassuring Ace.
" Plus there is no guarantee that Ivan will even meet with you. But it's plan A."

Ace sighed and looked at Ava. She stood strong and didn't seem vulnerable in fact this didn't seem to faze her at all. He didn't know what happened in her past that made her that strong but Ace knew that a girl as strong as her didn't deserve to die.

" Okay I'm in." Ace spoke.

They all stood up and Ace and Cam got ready to go back in the field and start
plan A.
As in for the others they had no idea what they were in for.

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