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               Your moms dead? Bohoo

Ray had been standing by the drinks for almost three hours now. He didn't want to lose sight of Ava so he made sure to stay close enough to see her but not too close.

She had a friend getting him to talk to some people but he refused.
But sadly Ray was at a party so whether he liked or not he would have to interact.

" So do you have a girlfriend?" The girl asked, getting way too close to Ray.

He tried Igbo her but she just wouldn't go away. She looked a couple years older than him and had horrible platinum white hair. Her breath also smelled like cigarettes.

Ray took a step back making space between them.

" Come on, don't be like that. You know you want this." She whispered in his ear. While her sharp nails crawled up his chest.

" I do not want you. Your breath smells worse than my dad's dead body and you look like you've been runned over at least 4 times, get a life and stop bothering me." He says getting ready to leave.

" You steph why don't you stop bothering the guy and find someone who's age is appropriate, yeah."  A guy said while walking down the stairs.

He walked with confidence and his whole aura radiates power and money.
He had forest green eyes and golden brown hair. He wore baggy jeans with a baggy designer hoodie.

Ray assumed that he was the guy that was probably the host of the party. The guy walked up to him holding a bottle of whiskey towards him.

" Sorry about her she's my cousin she always comes to the  parties I throw even though she's literally 23." The guy says.

" It's fine." Ray says while declining the drink.

" So what school do you go too I've never seen you around." The guy says.

" New York is a big place do t expect to know everyone."

" Yeah I guess but my parents practically run this side of New York so I do know most of everyone." He says while taking a shot.

" I just moved here, taking a gap year before I start at NYU." Ray mumbled looking while looking at Ava.

" Shit man you're going to love NYU. I go there and so do my best friends. I study business. It's a fun school with lots of opportunities." He assured Ray.

" My name is James by the way." He said, pulling out his hand for a handshake.

Ray looked down at his hands for a minute before shaking them.
" Raymond."

As the guy kept talking all Ray could focus on was Ava. She seemed to be having fun and looks like she made a new friend. He watched her laugh and unconsciously he also started smiling.

But that smile vanished as soon as a guy walked up to her. He was tall and had spiky blond hair. Ray let this play out a minute longer seeing what he was going to do, maybe it would be someone trying to simply be friends with her.

" Bro I think we should go help your girl out, that guy seems to want trouble." The guy said.

Ray looked at him confused. " My girl?"

" Yeah, the one you couldn't keep your eyes off of."

The guy smiled when he saw how flustered Ray was but didn't say anything about it.

They both quickly went up to Ava and Jacky. Ava looked terrified. Ray had never seen that look on her face and it made him angry to think that something made her scared or even hurt her.

She quickly stood up and went by his side for cover.

" The hell is going on here?" The guy asked, walking up to Ray and looking down at Ava.

" Did little Ava find herself a new toy?" He asked while smiling.

" Go away Liam, we don't want any problems." Ava spoke.

" Ava baby I don't want any problems either, so if you could please just come over here and we can have a nice chat. Then you can go and  be a slut like you want to be with your new toy."

Ava was on the verge of tears; she never thought she would have to deal with this once again. Especially in front of her new friends.

" Hey pretty boy come over here let me tell you something." Ray said letting go of Ava.

The guy and Ray walked away from the group. Jacky took Ava's hand and sat her down.

" It's okay sweetheart I'm sure your boyfriend's going to beat the shit out of him." Jacky said.

" Yeah, he looks pretty strong." James added.

Jacky turned to look at James. " What are you even doing here James?"

" Made a new friend who happens to be her boyfriend."

Ava sighs but she's too tired to correct them.

While the group waited for Ray to come back he was at the back of the house with the guy.

" What the hell man let go of me. You think just because you're tall and buff you can beat me up? I can kick your ass right now." They yelled trying to get a crowd.

Ray scoffed at the guy. " You think your little threats scare me? You are a pathetic excuse of a man who targets women while they're weak and tries to take advantage of them by scaring them. Did your mom never teach you how to talk to women?" Ray threatened while choking the guy.

" My moms dead." Liam said, hoping to get some pity.

Ray smirked and looked at him. " Well now I  know even your mom couldn't stand how much of a disappointment her son was. I wouldn't want to be alive either if I was her."

Liam's eyes filled with rage and he started to struggle under Ray .
" The more you struggle the tighter it gets ."

" Now I'm going to make one thing clear, I'm going to beat the dog shit out of you. So much that you might even start seeing your mom." Ray says.

" But after I'm done you are going to make sure you never get close to Ava. I don't want you to breathe near her, walk near her or even look at her.  If you do, I know people who can easily kill you off and make it seem like an accident then you'll finally be able to meet your mom."

Ray then kept to his word and beat the dog shit out of Liam. So much that a crowd started to form. But not a single soul turned to get him off Liam it was as if everyone had wanted this to happen to Liam for a long time.

Ava and her friends went outside to see what chaos was happening out there. They found a bloodied Liam on the floor and Ray being handed some wipes for the blood on his hands.

Ava walked up to him and smiled.
" You should have let me kick him or something." She said taking the wipes from him and cleaning it herself.

" I think it's time to head home." Ray mumbled.

Ava agreed and took her new friend's number's before heading out.

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