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                We meet again...

He was a well built guy with muscles for days. He seemed to be around the same age as Ava.

He had beautiful almond colored eyes.
with thick eyebrows. His lips were rose pink and plump. And he had a small neck tattoo with Roman numerals.

He looked like he was sculpted by God himself. It was true God did have favorites.

He was sitting down but somehow  she could tell how tall he was. Which was pretty impressive. But Ava couldn't get the feeling that she had seen him before.

She dung in her memories trying to find  where she spotted him but nothing came to mind.

But he spoke before she could.
" I remember you." He said with a small smile playing on his lips.

" You were the one that punched the misogynistic jerk straight in the mouth in sophomore year."
Back then Ava may have been picked on but it didn't mean she would go down without a fight even with a man.

She remembered she broke the guy's nose for saying some shit about women's rights. And this hunk of a man was the one that had to bring her to the nurse because she had broken one of her fingers.

" ah, you're the hunk guy. I also tried punching you for bringing me to the nurse's office." She said, smiling at the memories.

" yea that's me."  He looked at her with a smile on his face. He had a dimple on his left cheek. Ava thought it was cute.

" So Cam what is hunk man doing here? Why is he staying with us?" She asked.

" That's actually what I was about to tell you."

Ava sat down right next to the human hunk. Sipped her drink waiting for her brother to say something. Though she already had an idea of we're this was going.

" Ray's dad passed away not too long ago and his brother is still serving in the army. And since I'm a good friend of his brother I decided to take him in just till his brother comes back." Her brother said.

" But he also got accepted at NYU so it made sense for him to just stay with us since the campus is only 30 minutes away." Ava didn't know what to say to that. Having to live with her brother wasn't that bad but another man may be a problem.

" I don't mind as long as he doesn't touch any of my things and can respect me and my boundaries. Plus it's always good to have company." She smiled and stood up to go upstairs.

Though she wasn't too sure about welcoming a stranger she believed that her brother had done enough background checks to let Ray live with them.

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