"Okay well I want.. I need.. Rebecca back.. but I don't know how." Duke sighed, oh god the history between them was long. ever since they were in high school something was going on while Duke was with his girlfriend.. forgot her name but one night he cheated on her with Rebecca and then went back to his girlfriend and then broke up with his girlfriend and dated Rebecca for like 7 months and went back to his girlfriend.. it was a very emotional ride. I was glad I was all over the world while it happened. Louise had a headache from the two. Andriana was it with the memory.

"How do you want me to help Duke?" She frowned.

"Well I don't know, how can I get her back?" Duke asked biting his lip. she sighed, shaking her head.

"Duke, you shouldn't be asking me, I have no idea about relationships, love and all that." She shrugged, Andriana was the last person to ask about girl or boy problems.

"You're my best friend, you're also a girl that knows what girls want.. can't you help me? give me something please!" He begged. ugh he was so desperate.

"Look it's so simple! just talk to the girl! tell her how you feel. ugh seriously you know I hate talking about this stuff, but as a close friend and my high class self.. take her on a trip.. I don't know plan something big like going to Paris, since she loves that disgusting place." ugh thinking about Paris made me flinch, it was a filthy place. and for my job I had to be there a lot.. but it was for business as soon as business was done I'd leave straight away, I couldn't stand the place. Andriana thought to herself. She couldn't judge.. lots of people liked Paris. but Andriana didn't it was just a dirty place.

"A trip to Paris.." Duke said to himself, weighing the idea out.

"That seems alright, I can have a romantic weekend with her." Duke eyes brightened up.

"Ugh romantic." Andriana screwed up her face in disgust.

"Can you help me though?" Duke asked innocently

"Fine..." She rolled her eyes, she was always the one helping her friends out with their problems. but never hers. Andriana and Duke finished off their quick lunch and said their goodbyes as she went back up to her office. By the time she finished all her meetings and work it was already 7:30pm, she'd just have to go straight to Rebecca's. She was wearing gold pumps, Black skinny jeans, A white halter neck tank and a beautiful think gold chain that feel to her belly button. her hair was flowing as usual.

"You came!" Rebecca smiled brightly at Andriana as she held her in a hug. Rebecca looked gorgeous in her innocent red dress, she was never the type to wear sexy tempting dresses she was more the respectful vintage girl, that never wore slutty clothing.

"Of course I came, now let me go say hi to everyone." Rebecca nodded letting Adriana say hello to all the ladies there. All of them loved her especially Rebeccas mother Emilie. The ladies always hated media so Andriana never had to worry about getting judged.. all the ladies in the room knew how cruel the media was.. I mean being Andriana Martino the complete sweet heart goody girl since she was a littlel girl influenced the older women not to believe a word they said about their dear Andriana.

"How's everything been?" One of the Middle aged ladies asked.

"Stressful and busy, everything's been coming up at once since it's summer." Andriana shrugged with a smile. "But I'm a workaholic, there's nothing I can't handle."

"You are a beautiful role model." Rebecca's mother nodded with a smile. Uh role model? Andriana nodded with a smile awkwardly. Some one help her!

"I'm sorry ladies, can I please steal lovely Andriana away from you?" Andriana sighed in relief to the voice near her, she felt his hand rest on her hip. Edward always saved her.

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