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We all sat upstairs at a pool table trying to find out how we can fix the grandfather Paradox.
"I'm so confused." Diego mumbled
"Shocking." Allison shot back.
"We'll, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist. But clearly we do exist, and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem." Viktor explained and five sighed
"Big problem." He said sipping on his coffee.
"Listen Five?" I said from behind him and he hummed
"I'm gonna go.." I said and he turned around and walked up to me after placing his coffee on the pool table.
"Why?" He said with furrowed brows and staring into my eyes.
"It seems like you have a lot on your plate. I don't think you're ready for a relationship right now.. plus you have to get back to your timeline which kind of sucks.." I said laughing lightly before it went quiet.
"No." He said and looked at him. He grabbed my hand and teleported us downstairs again.
"No?" I asked and he shook his head
"No. You're staying here, with me." He said and I placed my hands on my hips.
"No! Y/n you don't understand I need you." He said and I grabbed his cheeks and forced him to look at me.
"I'm sorry my lovely..." I said before kissing him and my eyes formed tears in them.
"You have bigger fish to fry then having a girlfriend." I said and he looked at me upset.
"Goodbye, five." I said wiping my tears as I turned around. He grabbed my wrist.
"Please, don't go.. I-I lov-" he began but I cut him off
"That will only make this harder than it is."
"Y/n you're the only person in the world I care about as much as I care for my family. You're my first ever real girlfriend, please don't go." He begged but I ripped my arm from his grasp and walked out the door. I heard him scoff as I left.
I know I haven't known five for that long but I felt a connection with him. One that I had never felt with anybody before. But this was for the better.
I had stolen a bottle of vodka from a local off license as I walked home. All I could feel was sorrow.
"HOLD ME CLOSER TINY JANSTER!!!" I sang loudly and drunkenly as I wobbled back home. This earned stares from people walking by.
"COUNT THE HEAD MITES ON THE KITE TRAIN!!" I yelled again. I haven't been this drunk since my 22nd birthday.
I found myself at the gate in front of my house and walked up to the large oak doors and pushed them open.
"BLUE JEAN GRAVY, L.A.  MAYBE!" I yelled before Ben entered the room with Fei. The two gave me a confused look.
"Y/N!" Ben yelled and I shut up and stood in the foyer whiles swaying.
"What is wrong with you?!" He yelled and I laughed. The Makeup the Amish had put on me earlier was running down my face the bow was missing and I had frizzy hair. My dress was dirty and torn and I wore a grey sweatshirt over it.
"I BROKE UP WITH MY BOYFRIEND!!" I yelled whiles giggling and Ben scoffed
"Stop with the yelling Y/n do you have any idea the time?! You've been misssing the whole day!" He said and I shook my head no. I took a large gulp of the vodka and stomped up to my room, dragging my feet behind me.
"GOODNIGHT BIRDIE AND OCTOPI!!" I yelled at my brother and sister and I heard Fei giggle but Ben just rolled his eyes.

"I bet it was that five boy. Im going to kill him." He sneered walking off and I reached the top of the stares and wobbled
"Woah!" I said almost falling but Sloane caught me with her powers.

"Y/n! How was your date?!" She exclaimed as I sat down on my bed and she handed me a wipe.
"I broke up with him.." I said and she furrowed her brows.
"What?" She asked in shock and I laughed
"I BROKE UP WITH five." I said as I wiped my face.
"WHY?!" She yelled in sorrow and I laughed again.
"He was gonna leave me and go back to his shitty timeline." I said before noticing her giddy state. I reached into her mind and saw her and Luther performing....
"YOU SLEPT WITH THE MONKEY MAN?!" I yelled and she smacked her hand over my mouth.
"Yes! Now shut up and go to sleep." I laid down and she giggled
"Are you happy?" I asked her and she smiled
"Of course I am...."

"He's really sweet Y/n..." she said and I smiled
"Five called me his girlfriend before I broke it off." I said and her smile was replaced with a frown.
"You can still fix this Y/n." She said hopefully and I frowned.
"For what? Him to leave me?" I said and she sighed
"Just try, please? Go back to him later when you're sober and apologise. Say you were wrong and that you would like to work things out." She said and I smiled
"I love him.." i mumbled as I fell asleep.
Sloane covered me with a warm blanket.
"I know.." she whispered as she took of my shoes.
Truth was that Sloane had never see Y/n in a better mood then when she was with five.

2 hours later:
I'm up, I'm ready to tell five how I feel.
I love him.
I do
He's the first guy that's made me feel like this
I really love him.
I know I've only known him for life seven minutes but he gets me, I get him. We're perfect.
I looked in the mirror and smiled at my clean state. I was a mess a couple hours ago.
I made my way to the hotel where I blinked in a quickly spotted Diego.
"Hey Diego!" I called and he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"You really have got balls showing up after what you did." He said pointing his finger at me as I ran up to him.
"I know, but im here to tell Five I love him." I said and Diego's eyes went wide.
"Love?!" He yelled and I nodded with a smile but his look of worry grew which caused me to frown.
"What's wrong?" I asked and he looked down.
"Listen, Y/n. I'm going to say this the nicest way possible. Even when five was banging that mannequin that he was with for 30 years, he never said he loved her." Diego said and I went quiet.
"I just thought I should let you know before you do something stupid.
I nodded and decided in my head not to tell five.
"Where are we off to?" I asked
"Showers, Lila is there." Diego said and i followed him into the elevator.
"Who's this Lila girl anyway?" I asked and he shook his head chuckling.
"That is one long ass story." He said as the doors closed.

As Diego and I headed for the showers I saw him drag his kid from a hall and begin talking to him.
"Discipline, okay? That's what you need to learn. When I was your age, I was up at dawn, all right? I was training, honing my skills." Diego said, arm around his son.
"The biggest thing, I was becoming a real man.."
"Touching Diego, truly." I said wiping my fake tears and applauding before he kicked me in the shin and I buckled over.
"Right. Is that why you wear those tight pants?" Stanley said and I laughed
The door behind him opened and out walked a women in a towel.
"Lila?" Diego said and she hummed
"You need to take this kid with you." She looked between the both of us.
"Which one?" She said and I squinted my eyes at her.
All of a sudden five walked out of the bathroom.
"The hell were you doing in there?" Diego and I said in unison and five shot me a shocked look.
"Bathing." Lila said
"Together?" Diego asked and five rolled his eyes.
"Oh, okay? Diego, we don't have time for this. Lila and I have more important shit to do." Five said his eyes not leaving mine.
I waved at him lightly.
"Hi." I said and he smiled, a genuine smile.
"You came back." He whisper in disbelief
"Wait. What's more important than family?" Diego said as Five walked up to me handed me a briefcase and grabbed my free hand.
"End of the world, genius." Five said and I stopped.
"What?" I said in shock as tears formed in my eyes.
"Ah shit." Five said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leading my towards the elevators
I got in the elevator with five as Diego and Lila spoke outside.
"Five I'm-" I said turning to him but he cut me off with a kiss.
"I dont care. I want to spend whatever last minutes on this planet with you Y/n, so I don't care if you're sorry." He said and I hugged him tightly.
Lila got in the elevator and I latched onto fives arm and placed my head on his shoulder.
Off we went, to save the world.


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