Chapter 9: Wedding Bands

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I waited as five watched some man with glasses on a screen.
"Who's he?" I asked and fives eyes flicked up to me.
"He's.... My friend." He said and I nodded

"There's been a rip in the space time continuum." His friend said
"It's swallowing everything, oh my sweet Dor, Iris, Josh from accounting, they're all gone." I looked down at the floor as the man's voice became weak.

Five skipped ahead on the tape.
"I've tried everything! I don't know what else to do! The timeline is collapsing. Ah! Oh.." screams were heard in the background as tears filled my eyes at the poor man.

"This is...the end." He said and my eyes shot up in fear. The man screamed as he disappeared.

"Five....what happened to him?!" I half yelled at him and five took a breath in.

"He's gone." He said upset and I stood up straight and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his body.

"I'm sorry, about your friend." I said and he held me back

"I could kill for some scrambled eggs right now." We heard Lila say as she walked into the room.

"This is bigger than the timeline, Lila." Five said as he let go of me and looked back at the screen.

"What's bigger than the timeline?" Lila asked

"The entire universe." Five said shoving mine and his hands into his pocket.

"Missing dogs,'s the opposite of the Big Bang. Instead of the universe expanding its now collapsing in on itself." I sobbed softly and five looked at me in worry.

"Just a lot to take in." I said as I walked outside to calm myself down. I was having a panic attack like I always do when things go wrong.

Five and Lila walked out and five put a hand on my back.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded

"Hey! You can't speak you're jinxed!" Lila said and I laughed wiping my tears and holding fives hand again.

We walked up the stairs as five ranted on.

"This is just like a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit. There's no clear directives in here about crisis management. You know, Lila I shouldn't even be here. I was...I was out. With Y/n. I was done and yet here I am, swept back into the chaos." He said as he closed the book and I trailed behind the  unlikely pair.

"Why can't I just escape this hellhole?" Five said as I stood next to him.

"Because you love it." Lila said and five farted

"Ew." I said taking a step away from five

"My bad." He said and I laughed

"Face it Five, besides your girlfriends tits, the apocalypse problems are the only things that get your heart pumping." Lila said

Five scratched his neck
"I don't know why people keep saying that. I don't actually like chaos. I don't want disorder. I want retirement" He said as I smacked his hand as his neck went red

"You're hurting your neck." I said and he rolled his eyes

"Yeah. Right. What? A normal life of groceries and taxes. You would die of boredom." Lila said laughing

"Yeah, also maybe getting married. Also you're not exactly cut out for domestic bliss either." Five said reaching a door as my eyes grew wide at the thought of marrying five.

"Course I'm bloody not. Thank god." Lila said as she trailed d behind him and I followed her

"I mean, maybe it's a tone thing? I don't know, but you could really work on like, the way you speak. It's irritating." Lila said and I giggled

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