Chapter 4: feelings=gone

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Once I had made it back to my room Sloane bombarded me with questions.
"Soo.. how was it?" She said closing my door lightly
"Good." I said. I was still thinking about wether or not I had liked Five.
"Good? That's it? I did not sit around for three hours just to hear you say that all it was was good." She said placing her hands on her hips as I sat on my bed.
"He told me about his intentions, if that's what your after." I said rolling my eyes as I grabbed a makeup whip and wiped off the makeup Sloane had put on me before I left.
"You know that's not what I meant y/n." She said and I stopped and looked up at her.
"Listen, I got your note. The only way to get answers out of him was to kiss him, so I did, ok?" I said and her eyes lit up. She sat next to me excitedly.
"Awww, my baby sisters first kiss." She said hugging me but I pushed her off.
"I'm the same age as you, loser." I said and she grasped her heart.
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. So how is your big crush on five?" She said and I turned to her annoyed.
"How's your one on Luther?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.
"Listen, Sloane. I don't like Five. Feelings= Gone." I said and she scoffed getting up and opening the door.
"Yeah right." She said closing the door again.
I don't like him.
I woke up to the sound of commotion.
"Good morrow sweetie pies." I said as I met my family in the training room.
"Ben Sloane and Fei kidnapped The big one." Jayme told me as I grabbed something to eat from the fridge.
"Nice one." I said teleporting to Sloane and hi-fiving her.
"Any plans today Y/n?" Alphonso asked me and I nodded
"I'm thinking of going for a run." I said and they all nodded and murmured quietly.
"Well I'm off!" I said breaking the silence.
"See ya." Jayme said as I teleported outside.
I really was going to go see five.
I made my way to the hotel obsidian where I planned on seeing Five. Since yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about him. Was he feeling the same? was I delusional?
"Chet! My friend how are you?!" I asked the receptionist and he rolled his eyes.
"Hello weird girl." He said and I dropped my smile.
"Is he here?" I said and Chet nodded towards the bar. I looked over to see Five wearing weird old man clothes.
"You going fishing old timer?" I asked him as he turned around so I was in his view. "Can I talk to you?" He said and I nodded. He grabbed my wrist harshly.
He dragged me under the stairs so we could have a private conversation.
"Listen, Y/n. I like you, you're one of the few people that don't make me want to blow a bowl of pasta through my skull. But, when I get that briefcase back I won't see you again. So let's not start something we can't finish." He said and I felt my heartbreak inside.
Stay strong Y/n.
" must have been very drunk. Nothing even happened old man." I said as I grabbed his hat and winked at him leaving him confused.
I walked back to the high stools where his brothers sat and sat down.
"Hello Y/n!" Klaus greeted me and I smiled at him. Five slowly made his way over.
"Give me my hat." He said grabbing it from my head.
" two..?" Diego started and I kicked him harshly under the table.
"Us two what?" I said acting dumb.
"Nothing." He whinged out clutching his shin.
"Christ what a dump." I heard behind me and turned around.
"What's with the kid?" I asked and everyone went quiet.
"That is Diego's offspring." Klaus told me and I giggled.
"What?" Diego asked
"Nothing! Just didn't think you had it in you." I said patting his shoulder and he rolled his eyes.
"What's his name?" I asked
"Stanley." Diego answered
Five got up and walked to the bar to get a drink and Klaus turned back to the table.

"That little delinquent is your son?" He asked Diego
"Allegedly my son." Klaus laughed
"That is so funny!" He giggled and I laughed softly. Five walked back over and handed me a drink too.
Vodka on ice.
"Wait..who's the mother..?" Klaus asked
"Lila." Diego said staring off into space.
"Excuse me?" Klaus asked in shock
"Whoa Lilas here?" Five asked
"Was." Diego said blankly again
"Who's this Lila chick."
"Diego's baby mama." Klaus said and I laughed into my glass
"Jesus." I said still laughing lightly.
"She dropped him off in my lap last night then bolted." Diego told five
"I dont much care for that one." Klaus said to his brother
"Don't." Diego warned
"Wait who is she?" I asked
"Technically shes family." Five said
"She tried to murder us. Like, yesterday." Klaus said to me and I sighed
"This is a weird week." I said
"Yeah like I said, "family." Diego, is she coming back?" Five ignored me.
"Well, she goddamn better be because we got more important things to be dealing with right now!" Diego raised his voice at his son
"Clam down, shh." Klaus shushed him.
I shot Stanley a smile before teleporting over to him.
"Hey Stan." I said and he shook my hand.
"Y/n. I'm an enemy to these fools." I said and he retracted his hand slowly with caution.
"So. You got any interests?" I asked eating a bit of his food before spitting it into a napkin.
"I like karate." He said
"Oh yeah? You should bug your dad with it." I said and he laughed and I Pat him on the head before teleporting back to my seat and five glared at me.
"What? I don't fight so I usually take care of the criminals' kids." I said and he rolled his eyes.
"Where's Luther." V- wait. That ain't Vanya.
"Who cares? Probably out for....a run." Diego said noticing their haircut
"Mm! Love the haircut." Klaus said sipping his tea
"So,I uh, talked to Marcus last night." The mention of last night made me glance at five and he caught my eye
"Wait. What? You talked with the enemy? By yourself?" Diego asked his sibling
"Somebody had to do something." They replied . This wasn't Vanya.
"Who elected you Vanya?" Diego asked and I punched him in the shoulder.
"Ow! What!" He said and I gave him a look to say ' that ain't Vanya bro'
"Uh..actually umm it's Viktor." He said and I smiled. He noticed this and smiled back at me.
"Who's Viktor?" Diego asked and I punched him in the shoulder again.
"He is." I whisper and he caught on.
"She's right, I am. It's who I've always been.Does anybody have an issue with that?" Viktor asked the group.
"Nah I'm good." Diego stated
"Yeah me too. Cool." Klaus said
"Im proud of you Viktor." I said to him and he smiled
"Truly happy for you Viktor. But last time I checked you don't speak for this family." Five said and I punched him this time.
"Y/n stop punching people!" He gasped at me and I laughed
"That was just because I wanted too." I smiled at him and his cheeks went pink.
Did I see that shit right?


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