Chapter 22: Oblivion? The fuck is that?

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I sat with mascara running down my cheeks and the rest of the family staring at me.

"You alright peach?" Sloane asked me and I dragged my eyes from the floor to meet hers.

"Never better." I said and then placed my gaze back upon the dusty floor of the hotel reception. My knees were tucked up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. I had seen the family gathered in the reception and joined them, not bothering to ask what we were waiting for. The image of me killing my father replayed in my head. I'm crazy, crazy as shit.  We heard footsteps approaching and my head lifted again.

"Woo! Five! YeAh!" Klaus yelled and the rest of the group began cheering as my husband walked closer to us.

"Here he is!" Luther yelled clapping as the rest kept cheering and I bit on my nails looking away from my father. Ashamed of the dreams that I had running through my head.

"That speech last night! Wow!" Diego yelled standing up and clapping.

"Brought me to tears you big softy!" Lila said as the group died down.

"Shit." I muttered as I looked back down at my hand to see my nail, bitten to its wit end..

"I especially liked when you referred to us as a family bound by destiny and love." Viktor said as I felt footsteps, which I believed to be my husbands coming towards me

"Okay. Enough." Five said and sat down wrapping as arm around my shoulder and I leaned into him. Placing my head on his lap and my feet on the couch as I stared at the ceiling.

"It was the booze talking. In the light of day you're all still déplorable." Five said and looked down at me noticing my shadowy eyes.

"You ok?" He whispered as dad spoke to the group. My eyes were glued to the ceiling as he searched them for answers. He let my hair and sighed.

"Ok dove, what's wrong?" He asked and I finally looked at him. I noticed a mirror behind us and looked at it, grabbing fives arm as we flew into my consciousness.

"Woah, you can do that?" He said astounded as he walked beside my moping figure. We reached the wall in silence and I presented my hand. A small needle pricked my finger and drew blood. It was matched to mine and the drawer flew open. I pulled out a file from ten minutes ago and handed it to five.

He opened it with a confused face before his eyes widened.

"This didn't happen?" He said in shock looking up at a fidgeting me.

"I had a daydream. I killed dad, from a fit of rage." I croaked our as he glanced through the pictures again and saw himself drenched in blood.

"Why am I drenched in blood?" He asked and I shook my head

"I don't know, all I know is, it happened. I killed dad in my dream because I was angry. God I feel fucking crazy!" I said as I slid my back against the wall and my butt hit the floor.

"I don't think you're crazy. We all hate that son of a bitch. I'm sure if you looked through my memories you would find some pretty gruesome dreams I had about murdering dad." Five said sitting in front of me and rubbing the mascara from my cheeks.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded

"We've all had the urge."  He said smiling and I laughed back at him.

"Warning! 10 minutes remaining in this consciousness ! Any longer and will compromise the well being of the baby!" We heard a computer voice say over the mic. My face grew pale and fives eyes widened.

"I'm sorry... what?— WHAT?!?"  He yelled standing up and looking around to see where the voice was coming from.

"!" I said standing up and running to another drawer and popping it open. I grabbed a file and flicked through it. This file was different. It was pink.

"This can't be happening, it can't be mine. I'm old! I shouldn't be able to do this! There is no way in hell you're pregnant. It's been one day!! There must be something wrong with that robot thing....malfunctions or—Y/n?" Five said pacing before stopping realising the look of fear on my face.

"April 8th 2019, Y/n and Five consummated their marriage resulting in a unwanted pregnancy. A superhuman baby will be the result of this pregnancy, the baby will grow faster than most baby's. It Can take anywhere from 2-3 days to go into labour. The baby will carry both powers from the parents and will posses a power of their own." I croaked out and looked at five.

"2-3 days?" He asked as he placed his hands on his hips and I looked down nodding. Tears filled my eyes as I felt he would be mad at me.

"Well then.."

Oh god please don't hate me.

"I guess now I've got a world,AND a baby to save." He said with a sympathetic look on his face as he motioned me to hug him.

"I know it's not how we planned but at least now it's motivation to save the world. And about the dad thing, I'm going to be a better father than my father ever was. Besides it's not like you're even showin-— WOAH YOUR STOMACH."

I looked down at my stomach to see it was the size of a bowl sitting under my dress and my eyes widened.

"Ow!" I said as I felt something sting and then move quickly.

"What?! What was it?!" Five yelled as he held my stomach worried.

"The baby just spatial jumped, that's a neat little trick." I said sarcastically and five gave me a sorry look. Then we exited my conscious and five handed me his blazer to hide the bump.

"Where have you two been! Y/n! Catch him up to speed." Dad told me and I nodded, I passed the knowledge from what Sloane had took in about dads plan into fives head and he nodded in understanding

Btw, Y/n doesn't give birth or have the baby in this book so don't worry! I hate pregancy lines in books too!!

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