Chapter 11: Payback is a real bitch

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After composing myself I decided to get my payback on those who hurt me. On the umbrella academy. I wore a tight black clothes and a corset and wore darker makeup than usual. My hair was up/down and was messy.

I was out for blood. Nothing but pain raced through my mind as I furiously walked the steps of the Hotel obsidian.
They're going to pay. They're all going to pay. Ben and Fei had notified me that Sloane was still in their possession. I wasn't going to let them harm another one of my siblings, let alone Sloane.

I walked into the hotel and saw many people stare at my messy state. I noticed chet walk past me.

"Chet!" I yelled catching his attention.

"Yes madam?" He asked keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

"Where the hell is he?" I asked and Chet shook his head.

"I don't think it's a good idea to-whoa!" I sent Chet flying down the hall and unconscious. The entire umbrella academy bar Diego and Klaus walked out from behind the bar. Viktor and Luther made sure Chet was ok whiles Five Lila and Allison went looking for where this came from.

"Hello sweetie." I said through gritted teeth. Fives eyes widened at my state. I wasn't happy or bright anymore. I was dull and angry.

"Y/n..what happened?" He asked and I laughed. Lila and Allison gave each other worried looks

"I should be asking you that Number Five. You know? You have something I want. I want Marcus and Sloane alive!" I yelled and he slowly made his way towards me.

"Y/n...this isn't like you. We don't have Marcus and Sloane is safe." He said and I jumped into his conscious making him and I disappear from the real world.

Five spun around confused as to where I was until I snuck up behind him and put him in a headlock.

"You know what happens when I kill you in your own conscious?" I asked him as he struggled to breath. I whispered lightly into his ear.

"You get stuck here, forever, alone. Just like the apocalypse." I said and he teleported out of my grasp so I took a knife out from my knee high socks.

"Y/n! Listen!" He said dodging my knife.

"I still love you! I would never hurt you!" I threw the knife at him again.

"You're lying! All you do is lie!" I yelled and he shook his head

"I'm not! I swear! I love you! You're my wife for Christ sake!" He said and I stopped throwing the knife.

"Then why did you kill my family?" I asked as tears entered my eyes and he shook his head

"I didn't kill them Y/n. Harlan did." He said and my eyes went red with anger again.

"I want him dead. Now." I said as tears flowed down my cheeks and five wrapped his arms around me safely.

"You'll have to go through Viktor. Can we go back to reality now?" He asked me and I nodded sending us back to reality whiles hugging and Lila and Allison sighed.

Five handed me back my ring and I put it back on.
"Wait, why did you guys get married?" Allison asked and I looked at her.
"The kugelblitz is going to swallow us whole, might as well get hitched whiles I can." I said and she gave me a confused look

"What the hell is a kugelblitz?" Viktor asked and five went on to explain.

"Time for my questions Viktor." I said and he turned to me.

"What's up?" He asked and I smiled whiles my eyes went red again.

"Where is this Harlan? I want him dead." I said and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I can't." He said and I scoffed

"Great." I said as I downed a bottle of vodka.

"I'll have to find him myself." I said as I stood up swaying before passing out from using my power too much.



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