Chapter 18: Wedding bells, deals and breaking all my barriers

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Five and I leant know the balcony of the hotel obsidian as everyone sat around in defeat. We didn't know what to do but thé kugelblitz was back on. I sighed turning around crossing my arms as five looked over at me.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely and I gave him a confused look.

"For what?" I asked as my arms fell to my side and I turned towards him.

"For failing you, also for not being able to sleep with you before we die." He said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, bummer." I said and he smirked grabbing my hand.

"So, how is it that we're still here, but the whole of the universe is going down the cosmic shitter?" Allison asked and five and I turned to her and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Maybe we're just the last to get flushed." Viktor answered looking at his sister.

"Wasn't talking to you." Allison said angrily and I rolled my eyes and laid my head back on fives shoulder.

"Hey, has anyone seen Klaus?" Luther asked from next to Sloane and the room stayed quiet

"Or dad?" Sloane said leaning into him

"They'll be here." Diego said and I looked at him confused

"Really? Did they...hit traffic?" Ben said sarcastically and I let go of five and walked up to Ben and slapped him.

"What the hell Y/n!" He said holding his face and giving me angry eyes

"You need to learn how to talk to people without being an utter asshole Ben!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes.

"Look, people, we're alive because we're special, right? We're the only ones who can save the universe." Ben said and Allison raised her hand

"Uh, question." She said and Ben glared at her

"Yes." He said

"Didn't we just try that and fail miserably?" Allison said and I chuckled as I sat on a nearby bench and looked at my husband who still stood near the railings looking out.

"Yeah, it's because his plan was stupid." Diego told Allison and she hummed

"I got a better one." Diego said and I inhaled sharply as I lifted up my band tee and revealed a black blog, it was remains from when I touch five in the Kugelblitz. I hissed and pushed the shirt back down

"'Course you do." Ben said and Diego's booming voice lifted over him.

"We go with the large hard on particle accelerator. You guys do some science and..." he clicked his tongue.

"We launch the kugelblitz into outer space." He said and I groaned

"You do realise the kugelblitz IS space." I said quietly and he rolled his eyes resting his hands on his hips.

"Didn't think I knew that did you? It's in Switzerland." Diego challenged Ben

"It's hadron not hard on ya moron!" Ben exclaimed and I laughed but whined again when the pain in my abdomen began to disappear.

"Oi! At least he's trying you shitty little squid. What have you contributed?" Lila asked and I laughed again, it was true. What had Ben done?

"Actually, he did blow up half his family." Diego said and I looked down remembering Fei and Christopher. Sloane and Ben were the only ones I had left

"Oh, you wanna talk about family problems? You know what should have blown up is your face on that neck!" Ben said squaring up to Diego

"I wish I had a cake to hit you in the face with!" Diego yelled and then Ben started speaking in Korean and Ben started speaking in Spanish so I stood up harshly.

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