Chapter 1:The small one seems nice..

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Alphonso, Jayme and I walked into a pizza shop to see two men threatening the worker.
"Hey Shitface!" I yelled and they turned around and Jayme and I began beating them up. Once the men were unconscious, Alphie came in and grabbed the boxes.
"This better be pepperoni." He said to the workers and we walked out the door.
"Shit guys. Someone's in the house." I said reading the transmission from Grace on my watch.
"This isn't your home.." we heard dad say from below us.
"What do you mean? This is the umbrella academy?" We heard a female voice say as we stood on the balcony.
"Wrong again. This, is the Sparrow academy." Dad said as a group of unfamiliar people stared at us.
Ben emerged from downstairs, prick.
"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?!" He yelled at our father.
"Shit." They all said in unison.
"Ben." I tall skinny man said.
"Is that really you?" A large man said to Ben and I gave Jayme a confused look.
"And who are the weirdos on the balcony?!" A long haired man yelled at us.
"They are the Sparrows. My children." Dad said and I waved at a women who seemed to be eyeing me up and down.

We all made our way down to where Ben was standing and I stood next to him and Jayme.
"I'm sorry, what do you mean your children? That's impossible old man." A young boy said and I looked him up and down before turning to Jayme.
"Looks like puberty took it easy on him." I joked and she laughed lightly and covered it up with a cough as Ben glared at us.
Not going to lie the boy was fine for his age. Didn't seem very friendly though.
"It is possible! I think I'd know, wouldn't I?" Dad said and the skinny man turned back again.
"Everybody else can see Ben right?" He asked
"Cute hat, Sundance." He said
"It brings out your eyes." I said sincerely and Ben turned around
"Quite Y/n! Never be nice to the enemy." He said before turning around and I put my head down.
"They call themselves the Umbrella Acadmey, a group of scheming perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on buisness in Dallas. Be warned, they claim to be my spawn." Dad told us and I nodded.
"Claim? Look, Five what the hell is going on?" A beautiful women asked The young boy.
"I don't know yet, but it's concerning." He answered.
"I like your hair." I whispered to the women and she squinted her eyes at me and I looked back down.
"Is he telling the truth?" Marcus asked and I stood back up straight
"Not the part about us being perfidious." A smaller women said
"No, we're amateur fidious at best." The skinny man answered and I laughed lightly.
"But we are his children. This is our house." The women said again.
"Yeah, yeah. We, uhhh... we grew up here." The bigger man said.
"Yeah, we grew up here." Alphie mocked him. Fei laughed at Alphonsos joke.
"I kind of think we would have noticed you." Sloane spoke up and the bigger man's attention went to her.
"I like your hat.." I whispered at the skinny man and he smiled which caused me to laugh lightly and the younger boy glared at me. I flipped him the bird, naturally, and he rolled his eyes.
"Hi, I'm Luther!" The big man said to Sloane and Jayme and I shared a look.
"Okay, none of you belong here." The beautiful women said.
"I hate to barge in but you're the ones in our house." I said to her
"And who are you pipsqueak?" She said back.
"Your worst nightmare, Allison" i said as I went into her mind to find her name.
"How do you know my name!" She yelled and I chuckled.
"Lucky guess." I said sarcastically.
Christopher said something about the group looking like The village people and we all laughed.
"Chris you slay me." Ben said
Grace walked in holding cookies.
"I wasn't expecting company. This was the best I could do on short-short...short notice." She said malfunctioning.
"Aww nice." I said as I teleported to Grace grabbed a cookie and then back to my original place handing alphonso one too.
"Did she just mirror my power?!" The young boy said to his family.
"No twerp she can do that anyway! Don't think your special.." Jayme said as I ate my cookie.
"Mom.." the long haired man whispered walking close to Grace.
"Mom? She's a robot You perv." Jayme said as I finished my cookie.
"She's not a robot."
"Hey don't you call him that." Luther said
"Or what?" Ben challenged and I wiped my hands on my skirt ready for a fight.
"Come closer and find out." Luther did again
"Luther! Guys, chill."
"Think I'm afraid?"
"Stand down Ben."
"Look at that! She's got a voice!"
"How about you guys leave our house alone?!" I yelled and the young boy walked closer to me.
"How about we battle this out to see who wins this little girl?!" He yelled back
"How about I hid that big rubix cube up your ass?!" The long haired man said before Jayme put him in a trance.
I also decided to jump into the younger boys conscious.
"Where am I?!" The boy yelled at me as I walked into the big white room that was his conscious.
"We are in your consciousness. Every memory you have is stored in this very room. I am here to figure out what you are doing in my home." I told him and he walked alongside me
"You have no right to search through my memories!" He said in protest walking in front of me.
"It my power idiot. You know? Mind manipulation, teleportation and telekinesis." I said and teleported in front of him and kept walking before reaching the wall where I pressed a few buttons and a drawer burst open.
I picked out a file.
"So tell me about yourself.. five!" I exclaimed as I read his name.
"I don't think it's very fair that you can do this!" He said walking up to me as he put up his fists ready to fight. I sighed
"See you soon.." I said as I sent him back to reality leaving me to read through his memory's. I found out all about him before putting back the file and exiting his mind.
"Five Hargreeves, Male, 58 trapped in his 18 year old body. Time travel and teleportation. Seems friendly,isn't.Everything they're saying is true." I whispered to Ben and he nodded with a smirk.
"That bitch was in my brain." I heard five say as I waved at him.
"You have got 30 seconds to get out of our house." Marcus threatened
"And if we don't?" Allison said
I saw the long haired man cry as Jayme gave me a look to say she had made him see something weird
"Then we'll have to settle this the old fashioned way." Marcus said and I wiped my hands again.
"Look, we just fought a literal army. Okay? This doesn't need to get ugly" Vanya said
"Let's all just calm down, and let's talk."
"Psst. Ben-er-ino." Klaus whispered and caught Bens attention. I moved forward next to Ben for protection.
"You look so much better alive than you do dead. Am I right? Except that haircut." He said and Ben got angry.
"What did you just say?!" Hey said and I grabbed his arm but he ripped it away
"I have always told you you look stupid Ben." I sneered and he rolled his eyes.
"Come on, come on. Stop with all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants. Oh wow. Nice scar. Muy Macho." He said
"Shut your mouth!" Ben said
"You shit your mouth and hug your brother-" Ben punched him in the face and he dramatically rolled over the coffee table.
"Hey! What the hell? You didn't have to do that!" Luther protested
"Oh, I'm pretty sure I did!" Ben answered
"That's right, he did." Alphie said
"You didn't." I said honestly
"Get back!" Marcus yelled at Luther
"Luther hey!" Vanya yelled
"Back off!" Marcus yelled again pushing Luther back and Luther swung at him.
"Here's where it gets messy.." I said in a sing song voice.
Marcus kicked Luther across the room who hit Klaus.
Diego fought with Chris
Vanya fought Jayme
Alphie stood watch
Luther fought Marcus
Allison fought Fei
Ben fought five and I watched
"Get him Ben!" I yelled as my brother punched the boy.
Ben put him in a headlock and he teleported out.
"Hey! That's my trick!" I yelled
He appeared further away.
"Your alive. That's..great. Or possibly horrible. I'm not really sure." He said
"Is that some kind of weird smack talk?"
"It's more of an existential problem, really, Ben." He said
"Awesome. Well, heres your next problem."
Ben said before releasing the kracken on the boy.
He teleported onto the balcony
"You know even though you're a total asshat now." Ben went for him again but he teleported and knocked him out.
"It's nice to see you again...really." He said flattening his blazer
I groaned
"I guess it's my turn. How do you want this? Brain wash, brain wipe, scramble your brain so you think your ass is your head? Or I could use my telekinesis to rip every limp off your body." I said to the boy and he gave me a confused look.
"All it is." I said teleporting behind him
I grabbed him into a headlock and he struggled before teleporting.
"You know, we could have been friends if you didn't invade my privacy." He said standing on the bar.
"Ah, I'm sure I didn't miss all that much." I said before he yelled
"Look out!" He said and teleported us to the other side of the room.
I watched as a couch flew past where my head would have been.
"Thanks." I said in shock and he looked down at me
"No problem..?" He said
"Are we supposed to fight now?" I said
"Yeah I guess.." he said lifting his fists in front of him.
"I can't be bothered." I said sighing and walking off to find the rest of my family.
He shrugged giving me a confused look before teleporting away.
"Y/n!" Alphie yelled and I came running.
"What's up?!" I said worried
"I thought you and Ben were going to kill the small one!" He said
"Yeah, I was but I just couldn't care less.." I said walking upstairs.
"Where are you going!" Fei yelled and I turned around when I reached the top.
"To get my Walkman." I said and continued walking up the stairs.
I passed Allison and waved at her and she gave me a confused look.
I then walked close to Jayme.
"What's he doing?" I asked regarding to the young boy speaking Italian I'm front of us.
"Some mannequin." She said blankly in disgust.
"Ew." I said and she kicked his face and he fell down the stairs.
I teleported down to the foyer where he landed.
"That was brilliant." I said clapping as he stood up.
"Really spoke to my heart." I said
"Shut up!" He said swinging at me.
"Ooh sorry lover boy. Delores was it?" I said and he swung again but I kept teleporting before I ended up in the living room.
"Hey guys what's for dinner?" I said before being hit back by an energy blast.
"What the shit was that?!" I yelled as I looked around at my broken family.
Vanya ran out the door.

I felt bad about what happened. I always do. Even if they are bad people. Especially because Five saved my life.So I had Grace whip up some cookies and I put them in a basket a long with a first aid and followed Vanya out of the house. I saw the family from afar sitting down so I waddled over.
"Hey guys—" I got punched in the face by Diego.
"Ow.." I muttered holding my nose. He grabbed my collar and lifted me into the air.
"What do you want?!" He said through gritted teeth.
"I brought cookies and a first aid kit because I feel bad." I said as he drew a knife and checked out my basket before gently setting me down.
I handed the basket to Vanya.
"I don't like to fight. But my family do.." I said and they all stared at me.
"Stay clear of their path and they will stay clear of yours." I said before turning around.
"Wait!" I heard from behind me and saw five stand up.
"Why should we stay away from our home?!" He said angry and I gulped.
"This isn't your home. Just another version of it. In which you all do not live. Until you are capable of returning back to your home, I suggest you find a place to stay." I said and he grabbed a cookie from my basket.
"Thank you for saving me, by the way." I said and his eyes went wide and his family's too.
"You saved the enemy?!"
"What happened to 'fight dirty not good' ?"
"I thought you hated Sparrows."
"I told you all already. My killing days are over." He said and I nodded.
"I Hope you all find safety and are able to return to your home soon." I said as I was about to leave
"Thank you—" vanya begun asking me to fill in my name.
"Y/n." I said and she smiled
"Y/n, from all of us." She said and I smiled before turning around.
"Have fun with your plastic five!" I said and heard him yell something back but I was too far away to hear it.


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