Chapter 14: Talking monkey and my hot husband

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Mothers of agony
I've heard that name before


We arrived at a bar that had many motorcycles outside of it.

"I'm not being rude but I never really saw you as the macho, biker, sex appeal kinda guy." I said to five as we looked at the bar in suspicion.

"Seemed to work on you." He said walking away and I scoffed.

"Prick." I muttered catching up to him and looping my arm with his

We walked into the bar and I was hit with a waft of liquor and smoke. It nearly made me gag.

We walked up a couple steps and I let go of five as we were stared at by some hardcore looking bikers.

"You lost kid?"
"Whachu doin baby?"

We walked past a stripper and I blocked fives view of her and he chuckled

"Not into her anyway." He said as he walked past the nearly naked women and I followed him rolling my eyes

We got to a door that said 'members only' and I gave five a look to say
'We gonna in?' And he nodded. I reached my hand out and turned the Nov and we walked in.
We heard buzzing from a tattoo machine and. Five walked ahead of me as I looked at the mean looking people around me.

"Been looking for you." He said and the tattoo artist turned around and it was none other than pogo.

"Pogo?" I said in shock at the apes now burly look. He took a puff from his cigarette and then looked five and I up and down as I stood next to five.


Pogo stood in front of us standing in a jumpsuit as we all stood in our karate outfits. He held a long wooden stick and made his way to walk behind us talking

"Just because something is right in front of you does not mean.." he hit Alphonso with the stick lightly

"Hey!" Alphonso responded and I chuckled as I held my hands behind my back. I was in my 25 year old form and was nearly as tall as Jayme.

" is within reach. There is always something in the way. Sometimes it is your opponent. Sometimes it is yourself."

He called Ben and I to fight, he placed a bell between us and instructed us to be the first person to kick the bell whiles keeping it safe from the other.
I gave Ben a look and he smirked back at me. We bowed down slowly and then got into our fighting positions.

In Japanese pogo yelled
"Start the match!" And Ben and I flung at each other.

We kicked our legs together and he threw a punch at me. I ducked from the punch and swung at him. He grabbed my arm and smiled as he tried to kick the bell but I teleported us both further from the bell. He was on the ground so I stood up and ran for the bell but his tentacle sweeper me off my feet. I stood back up and tried to kick him in the stomach and he whined. He grabbed me by my hair and I threw him across the room using my telekinesis and was going to hit the bell again but his tentacle came out and I went into his mind to stop him. Once inside his mind he kicked and punched me a few more times. I grunted and swung at him but he pinned me to the ground.

"Send us back" he said and I did as I was told and brought us both back to reality. We fought some more and ended up knocking a mirror onto the floor. Ben fell on top of it. I tried to reach into his mind again but he moved and I caught my own reflection in the mirror. I was in my own white room I had never done this before and it was dark and dull. I tried to get out but it took a lot of energy and when I finally came back to reality Ben went for the bell again and I swept the bell from underneath him with my telekinesis and stood up. I felt shorter and also weaker.

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