🎆 XCIV: Spring blossoms

Start from the beginning

He found it a miracle how this always works every time. Every time the intent to his actions are questioned, he would successfully lie and go around the topic. And up to this day, no one has ever really read his true motives right off the bat. He was, of course, naturally thankful.

After all, he'd be embarrassed if he has to tell anyone that the reason he's done this whole thing of having these former lovers be alone was that he's worried if Ushijima has moved on or not.

And while he was very satisfied that his source of worry was gone, there was no way in hell that he'll be able to say that reason to anyone aloud. Thank the heavens that no one has been able to realize though. Sure, he has observant friends, but majority of them don't really see through him most of the time. They tolerated most of the weird things he comes up with and he was thankful for having such an accepting company. 

Though he does actually have friends who do manage to read him and his motives from time to time... Miyazono Hanako was fortunately, not one of those people. The girl isn't really good with dealing with complex people.

But it wasn't a bad thing. Knowing her, it was a given. He has been friends with this open book ever since his high school days and she still seemed like the girl in his memories.

Miyazono Hanako is a little dense, see-through, and very relatable. They were qualities most people tend to easily open up to. On top of that, she was friendly, a natural people person and someone a lot of people liked right off the bat. She was honest, up to the point where she even admits her own insecurities. And perhaps that was what draws a lot of people to her. 

And strangely enough, as the former blocker looks at the image of his friend's former lover, of this girl before him, he couldn't help but think how this girl seemed like the exact opposite of you.

Lara Claire Romero was very dense, secretive, and not very relatable. You were awkward and somehow someone that a lot of people was wary off. Yet despite that, a lot of people are drawn to you. They are drawn not by your imperfections but by the perfection of your actions.

If Hana-chan was someone that looked like she belonged to the earth from how people could easily reach for her, talk to her and be with her. You were not. You were someone that belonged up in the skies, in the realm where people look up and long to be with.

And Tendo Satori is amused by this dichotomy.

It was a huge contrast for his volleyball crazed best friend who used to date girls following a pattern of recurring taste, to fall for someone that was the complete opposite. It was amusing, yet it all the more emphasized how the attraction was genuine.

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