Her hands glowed and soon, the drinks floated into the room and she moved her hand, allowing it to land beside the two boys.

"Hehe, cool, right?"

"I didn't know you could do that," Izuku's eyes were sparkling as he held the cola in his hands.

Shoto only quietly watched her.

"It's all about creativity. Quirks are much more flexible than we think," this statement caused the boys to look like they were deep in thought. Arisa quickly pushed the subject aside and said, "Alright. Let's continue."

They worked hard and soon, nightfall came and somehow, the three ended up on her bed, asleep, legs tangled, arms on top the other person. Arisa was in the middle, the fabric around her eyes still on. Izuku was on her left, snoring away, his leg on her abdomen, his body positioned diagonally. Shoto had an arm across her collarbones, legs tangled around Izuku's leg, the other with hers. It was a mess.

Aizawa entered the room and nearly had a heart attack. His ward was sleeping with not one but two boys. He contemplated flipping the entire bed over to kick them out but Arisa looked relaxed and calm, it warmed his heart to see. His red eyes dissipated and he sighed, pulling the door shut with a soft click.

Let's just hope she won't attack them in her sleep.


It was finally the day Arisa returned to UA.

Upon entering school grounds, heads turned and whispers could be heard. Arisa ignored them and the two boys that came along with her glanced at each other then at her but didn't say anything. The two boys remained close, as if acting as two walls keeping her from the scrutiny of others. Arisa was slightly uncomfortable - she wished her revival wasn't announced so dramatically over the news. She wished her death wasn't announced either. This was another stark difference she could see compared to her previous life. If she had died, that would be it. The world would never know because to the world, she never existed. It would be difficult to miss someone that never existed and honestly, she preferred it that way. She disliked attention and she seemed to be grabbing an uncomfortably large amount lately.

"I really wish I was invisible right now," Arisa mumbled, "They really don't have to look at me like that."

Shoto was fixing his tie - the trio had woken up late and would have been later if Aizawa didn't wake them up. They were all shocked when they realized they had fallen asleep on top of each other. Izuku was even baffled that he stayed over at a girl's house. He nearly blew a fuse. He panickedly called his mother to tell her that he was fine while Shoto only told his sister where he was, calmly. The three raced out the house like a bunch of lunatics with the boys having not buttoned their shirts and Arisa was fixing the cloth around her eyes as she ran. It was funny.

"Well, you did die," Shoto bluntly pointed out, now fixing his hair, "And you miraculously revived."

"Yeah, dying is embarrassing," Arisa let Izuku braid her hair, tired of having it smack into his face every now and then.

"I can't believe I slept at your place," Izuku mumbled behind her, "I'm really sorry. You must have been uncomfortable."

"I said it's fine," she sighed, "It's not a big deal. I'm always happy to have anyone over."

"Then, I'd like to come over again after our exams are done," Shoto bluntly announced as they reached class. Arisa shrugged, "Sure."

Arisa pulled the incredibly large door open to see her classmates. Upon their entry, the class fell silent for a moment before they all raced towards her, ecstatic. Mina literally lunged and hugged her, "You're back!"

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