"So am I, the difference is she puts herself in danger" I said
"And you don't?" She asked, sitting Michael on her lap
"I know you nearly got attacked by the Carter's" she said

"You seem to know everything" I sighed
Maybe people were right
Maybe she could see everything, maybe she did have visions
"People talk" she said simply.

"You mean Arthur talks"
"I mean John and David are laughing and telling people how dangerous their siblings are and that people shouldn't mess with them" she said sternly.

"I'll put David straight okay? I don't know why he's acting up the way he is" I said
"Because his sister is getting herself into all sorts of trouble with gangs" she said
"The Carter's aren't a gang" I chuckled.

They were just two idiot cousins that thought they were tough
"Just be careful Mariana, I won't hesitate to tell your mother" she said
"Surprised you haven't already" I said, she smiled.

"Right get going, I have to get dinner on for these two" she said
"Okay, okay" I said, putting Anna back on the floor with her toys.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I checked
She nodded
"Surprised you want to do a few hours tomorrow, seeing as you're taking your own bets" she teased.

"Yeah yeah"

"I got you a whiskey" Tommy said, sitting back down
"Thanks" I smiled, taking a swig
"You alright? You've been quiet since you went to see aunt Pol" he said
"Yeah" I said, blowing out a breath

"I just... she doesn't think my... plans are very great" I said
"Well of course she doesn't, because your schemes always end in a fight" he chuckled.

"Says you" I threw back
"But I can handle myself"
"And I can't?" I asked
I was capable of handling myself just as much as any boy running the streets

"Of course not" he said
"Because I'm a girl?" I scoffed
"Because you're a Shelby" he said
"I'm a Cortéz" I said simply
"As good as a Shelby then. And Shelby's don't have to fight their own battles. They have back up" he explained.

"I don't need backup, I just need respect" I said, crossing my arms
None of the other players took me seriously
Freddie thought my plans were cute
Arthur thought they were reckless
And Tommy... Tommy saw me as a little girl he had to protect.

As for everyone else, they ran rumours of my ties to the Shelbys and rumours of how delusional I was.
It was hard having my mother for a parent
The oh so magical gypsy that could heal anyone.

Granted she was mostly successful
But a gypsy was a stamp on your name from the get go. I was proud of where I had come from
Proud of my mother and all she did to take care of us.

It was just hard to break some stereotypes with the other kids
Especially the girls in school.

"You have respect" he said.
"I have a pocket knife and Shelby protection hanging over my head everywhere I go" I rolled my eyes
"Is it so bad to need protecting?" He asked.

"Yes, when I'm trying to become someone in this stupid city" I said defeated.
I wanted to make something out of myself
Provide for all of us
"You will become someone" he said determined
"Will I?" I repeated.

"Yeah, you're strong willed, and you have a mean left hook" he joked
"Tommy" I chuckled, nudging my shoulder against his
"I mean it Mar, you'll become someone, someone... that people won't fuck around, someone people will respect and look up to. You're already halfway there" he said, looking down at me from beside me.

"Am I?" I asked, captured in his stare
"Yeah, it's easy to become someone when you already are someone, and you're... you're stubborn, hotheaded, borderline annoying but you're determined, smart... beautiful" he trailed off
Both of us just staring in our close proximity.

"Tommy..." I breathed out.
He didn't respond, merely began leaning in.
So close to... to kissing m-
"Tom" Arthur bellowed, before the door to the small room swung open, me and Tommy very far apart now

"Another drink?" He asked us
"Yeah go on" Tommy said
"Uh no, not for me thanks, I best get back" I said, grabbing my coat
"Mar don't leave" Tommy said
"David's at his friends house, I told mum I would be home early to help her in the night, in case she needs anything" I explained.

"Oh, alright, I'll see you tomorrow?" He questioned, I nodded
"Yeah see you tomorrow" I said

As I opened the front door I heard shouting
Deafening shouting
"I expect a bit of fucking respect" I heard Kinney shouting, or more slurring
I headed into the living room, just in time to catch the back hander he delivered to mum.

"Get the fuck away from her" I said, grabbing his arm as he moved to hit her again
"Get off me you mad bitch" he said, shoving me away to the floor
My head smacked against the wall as I fell.
But I grabbed at him again, I didn't care if he hit me, as long as he was away from mum.

"You're drunk Kinney you fucking idiot, have some sense" I shouted
"Have some sense? How about you have some sense eh?" He shouted
"No as a matter of fact why don't I knock some into you" he said bitterly, delivering a harsh kick to my back as I tried to get up.

I cried out in pain, glaring up at him
Mum ran out of the room, the front door being opened seconds after
But he didn't seem to notice, he was too out of it.

"You should stay out of other people's business, where is she? Where's she gone? Catherine!" he shouted repeatedly
"She's gone dickhead, it's just you and me" I chuckled bitterly, pulling myself up.

"Oh shut up" he said, back handing my face as he had done my mother
"Don't kill him" I heard my mum mumble as Tommy, Arthur and Arthur Sr came tumbling into the room, all seething.

"What the fuck do you think you're playing at?" Arthur Sr shouted, grabbing him by his collar
"Fuck off" Kinney slurred.

"Are you alright?" Tommy asked, coming to my side, I nodded
"I'm need to... check on mum" I said simply, leaving the room to head into the kitchen.

"Mar you're bleeding" he said, sitting me back down as I tried to get up.
"Sit down, cool off you fucking maniac" Arthur Sr demanded, shoving Kinney down onto a chair
He sat for a moment
Before he started mumbling again.

"I want a drink" he said
"Yeah I bet you do" Arthur mumbled, looking over at me, his face falling
Did I look that bad?

"I want a drink" he said"Yeah I bet you do" Arthur mumbled, looking over at me, his face falling Did I look that bad?

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