Think Again Hoes

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Naomi POV

      By the time Michy and I made it over to Mariah it was all over. Mariah had the strength of the hulk she was mopping the floor with Alissa and Star. They were begging for her to stop. But Mariah had  total rage in her eyes and her fists and legs just kept on going and going.

Ray, Roc, Prod- Damn! Mariah

Me- Yasss get--

      I felt someone pull my hair. Man it took me a while to get my ponytail right. I turned around and punched Babydoll in the face, She was knocked out cold. I thought back to Diggy and smiled. I stood over Babydoll and said.

Me- *smiles* Just like your man bitch

(Remember Babydoll and Diggy have a thing)

Prod- *ghetto voice* Yasss Naomi werk!!

Me- *laughs*

Ray- Mariah I think they had enough *laughs*

Beauty- *yells* Mr.Miller help!!! Mr. Gary you too!!

Mariah POV

      These bitches gonna die today, I swear.

Star- *yells* Wait till I get my hands on you

Me- *punches Star in the mouth*

Alissa- I can't believe your actually my cousin

Me- *kicks Alissa in the neck* I hate you too trick!

     Just as I was about to throw another punch someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and saw Ray. My muscles immediately relaxed as Ray embraced me in a bear hug. I buried my face in his neck. Man, he smelled so good. I pulled back and leaned foward to give Ray a sweet kiss on the lips, just as our lips were about to connect I felt myself being pulled away. I looked up into the eyes of Mr.Gary the dean.

Naomi- *yells* We didn't do anything

Michy- *yells* Come on really

Mr.Gary- You young ladies are in deep trouble

Me- *yells* They started it

Star- *crying and yelling* Look at my hair

Me- *laughs* It was already fucked up

Mr. Gary- *yells* That's it all of you out of this gym now including you horny young men over there

Roc- Yo! can't you see it was those thirsty rainbow hoes

Everybody except Alissa, Star, Beauty, Babydoll and Mr. Gary- *laughs*

Mr.Gary- *yells* OUT OF THIS GYM NOW!!



~Tell me what u think :D

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