I Want You

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Mariah POV

My girls and I have been talking for a while now just catching up on somethings. I just finished telling them about the situation with Ray and I.

Naomi- That ain't right *shakes head*

Michy-*angry* Let's kick his ass

Me- Nah its iight

Naomi- So he goes with Alissa now

Me- *frowns* Yeah

Michy- Didn't she have a baby when we were like twelve

Me- Oh yeah she did

Naomi- She said she was young and stupid

Michy- And I was like no bitch you was hot and ready just like Little Caesars *laughs*

We all burst out laughing Michy is still the same cracking jokes and making us laugh. Naomi too she's still shy but don't worry I'll break her out of her shell.

Naomi POV

As I was talking with the girls I noticed Prodigy walking past he had on some red basketball shorts and a wife beater with some sexy jordans. He looked so----

Michy and Mariah- *yells* Naomi!!!

Dang! They just had to ruin the moment like that.

Me-*annoyed* What!

Mariah-*laughs* I see you

Michy- Yup I peeped you looking at that honey over there

I blushed.

Me- Be quiet guys

Michy looked at me and flashed me that sly smirk. Oh lawd she's about to do it.

Michy-*yells* Yo! sexy over here

Prod stopped walking and looked over at me I looked behind me and noticed Mariah and Michy had vanished. Dang!

Prod-*smiles* You called me

Me-No nah it was my friend

Prod- What friend?

He started walking towards me my stomach started doing flips. Before I know it were face to face.

Prod- I only see me and you here

Me-*blushes* Yeah oh okay

Prod- You're---

He got cut off by Beauty's annoying voice.

Beauty- Prod come on *rolls eyes*

Prod-*angry* To where were not together and we never will be

I laughed Prod's face expression was so funny. Beauty cut her eyes at me, oh lawd here we go.

Beauty- Eww what happened to your skin *laughs*

Bitch please my skin is nice and flawless.

Me- What happened to your skin

Beauty- I'm mixed bitch

Me-*laughs* Mixed with what, the struggle

I watched as Beauty's smile fell off her face. Prod and I laughed, Beauty stomped away.

Prod-*smiles* Well see you around Naomi *winks*

Imma pass out he just winked at me.

Me-*smiles* Bye Prod

Michy POV

Aye I see Naomi getting it, lemme find out. But still I can't believe the situation with Mariah and Ray, and that skank Alissa. How could she betray her own family like that? That's messed up man.

I see that Mariah's smiling and all. But I see that she's hurting inside. I hate to see my friends heartbroken. I looked over at her and noticed she wiped a tear away quickly.

Me- Mariah, I know you is not over there crying over no dude

Mariah- *sniffles* No *holds head down*

Me- Awww Mariah don't cry

I guess saying that just made it worse. Next thing I know Mariah is in my arms sobbing her heart out.

Mariah- *sniffling* Why do all the bad things have to happen to me.

Me-*rubs her back* Its okay Mars

Mariah- No its not okay Michelle my whole world is basically crashing down. My own family doesn't even want me

Family doesn't want her?

Me- Its alright you can stay with me

Mariah-*smiles* Thanks Michy

Me- Your welcome

I noticed Mariah still had her head down.

Me- Pick up your head your tiara is falling, princess

Mariah- *smiles wide* Aww I love you bestie *hugs me*

Me- Love you more.

Naomi- Aww you guys had a moment without me

Mariah- *smiles* Come join the hug bestie

Me- Alright enough with all this lovely dovey shit lets hit up that McDonalds

Naomi- Yasss girl I am hungry


Dang! Alissa is so fucking annoying. I mean she's fine as hell but she just doesn't shut up. I messed up big time. I gotta get Mariah back, I'm now realizing what I wanted and needed was right in front of me the whole time. I'm such a dumb ass.

Alissa- So I was like no and she was like yes so I said-----

Me- Alissa what are you talking about

Alissa- Mariah

Me- Lets not talk about her

Alissa- Why?

Me- I just don't want to

Alissa- Fine her ugly ass

Me- Look Alissa I just can't do this kissing you was a big mistake

Alissa- What are you saying Ray

Me- I just can't be with you

Alissa-*smiles* Alright I'll have you someday *winks*

Me- -___-

And with that she walked away. Is that bitch crazy? I was so stupid for even placing my lips upon hers.

I was so stupid now I need to find a way to get my baby back. I heard someone call my name I turned around and there she was....Star. She walked up to me, I noticed the blood stains on her shirt and her upper lip. She looked horrible. Her hair was a hot mess.

Star- Raaayyyy I need love and affection

Me- No bitch you need birth control and protection

I know what I said was pretty harsh but I just want my Mariah back I walked out of the mall to my car. I got in my car and drove off to find Mariah.


~Like it?

~More Soon

~Ray finna open his eyes

~Alissa is cray cray so is Star

~Lol @ what Ray said thoo


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