Got Me Twisted!!and You?

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Meanwhile with Naomi and Michy.....

Naomi POV

Man these fries were hitting the spot right now. They were so good and fresh, as my teeth sank into it it was like a party on my tongue. I looked over at the counter and noticed Michy arguing with the cashier. Oh gosh this girl, I walked over to the counter to see what was going on.

Michy- *yells* Look at these rusty ass fries, you expect me tot eat these

Cashier- *attitude* Look bitch I didn't ask you to order nothing

Me- Hey what's going on?

Cashier- This little slut over here having a titty attack cause her fries are a little burnt.

Michy- *angry* Who is you calling a slut hoe

Naomi- Girls lets just calm down

I guess saying that just made the situation worse. Michy and the cashier were going at it calling each other every name in the book, man how many ways can you use the word slut well I guess you learn new things everyday.

I heard a boy's smooth deep voice.

Boy- Michy?

Michy turned around from the counter and her eyes lit up. I turned around and it was Michy's old crush from back in second grade. She ran up to him and hugged him she pulled back and then he did the unthinkable, he kissed her. And she kissed back.

Me- Get it Michy!!

Both of them ignored me and kept on kissing. I laughed to myself and went back to sit down I decided to text Mariah.

Naomi- call_me_nemo

Mariah- iAdoreYou

call_me_nemo- Mariah where u @

iAdoreYou- There's no more Mariah

call_me_nemo- lol stop playing Mariah

IAdoreYou- I'm not she's gone 4ever btw this isn't Mariah

call_me_nemo- lmaoo! Mariah your such a jokester

iAdoreYou- I'm not Mariah

call_me_nemo- Well who r u den?

iAdoreYou- I cant tell u ttyl bestie

I dropped my phone in shock and ran over to Michy I pulled her back from her kiss and yelled in her face.

Me- *yells* Mariah's missing we need to find her!!

Michy's once smiling face turned into a sad frown.

Michy- Let's hunt that bastard down that took her

Roc- I hope you find her I'll tell my boys about it

Michy- Please do

Roc- Alright see y'all

Mariah POV

My eyes opened and I had an horrible migraine. I rubbed my temples but it didn't make the headache any better. I looked around at my surroundings. I saw posters of naked girls. And I looked over on the dresser and noticed a ring it said....... DIGGY.

Oh hell no.....




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