Chapter 32

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I lay screaming in the delivery room, alone. Yes, my mother did not want to share this horrible experience with me. She found it traumatic to watch me give birth and destroy my perfect body. How many times she rambled on about me being the child who had made her body hideous. She'd better not let everything revolve around her.

Crying, I lay, pressing with all the people I don't even know. Screaming, I just hear the doctor say that the head is already coming out. In a panic, I try to push, which only hurts more. It's like everything in there is on fire and starting to tear with each push.

After the full 10 minutes, what took an eternity, Romeo Dewaluwe comes out of me. The beautiful little bundle with the most beautiful black hair I have ever seen. He lies on my chest drinking from my breasts and never has I been more in love with anything than him.

Why Romeo? You can guess? because Romeo and Juliet is my favorite book. It feels like our relationship was just as forbidden and poisoned as their relationship. I don't know why I keep telling myself that we had a relationship. Even though in my mind, it was real!

The only person I see after I give birth is my dad with our housekeeper, Georgia. Georgia is a beautiful woman in her forties with beautiful dark brown tousled locks that she has tied in a loose ponytail on her head. She is somewhat set, but with just beautiful curves that my mother can only envy with her pencil figure.

Father comes closer and grabs his grandchild. He starts hugging Romeo and looks like a younger self of himself. It is as if I see my father back in time, a time when he was still happy. Yes, my father is still at his age a very handsome vital man, but my mother only makes things harder for him with all her surgeries and reproaches of him.

Yes, if my mother had her way, my father would have to go under the knife too. He was too old for her! Needless to say, my dad is two years younger than her!

After my dad is done cuddling Romeo, Georgia picks him up and takes him to the bathroom for a clean diaper, making my dad move closer to me.

"I have a feeling you are hiding something, Maxine. You do say that the boy who got you pregnant means nothing to you, even though it doesn't feel that way?" Asks my father, staring at me with his green eyes.

I am already emotional from the delivery I just had of Romeo, I tell him more about the person who stole my heart. "Yes, father, I do know the boy better. He dumped me and because of that the relationship with Josh has also gotten worse and worse," I explain to him, already saying too much. My dad looks at me even closer coming to my ear, "If that boy did something to you, you need to confess it," Says my dad seeing right through me. Would he know that I am talking about Remco?

Father didn't mention it again for the entire half-hour they stayed. They disappeared, and my tears start flowing again down my cheeks, catching my newborn baby who is sleeping beautifully at my breast. "Hopefully, you will never have to go through this. Hopefully, you'll be a happy little boy that I can give everything I haven't had, Love."

That night is the last night in the hospital before I am allowed to go home, where I am surprised by a room move. Yes, my mother has placed me all the way on the second floor, far away from their room. And if you think that's bad, the reason is much worse.

She wants to keep me a secret. Not me, but Romeo! She doesn't even want to hold him. She simply pretends not to know or hear him. When he weeps, she didn't even respond. Okay, she had responded once that she doesn't want to hear him cry at the night, which was harder than thought with a crying baby.

Father came into my room, which I had completely decorated with the dark wooden bed with my favorite rose satin blankets and a crib next to Romeo's bed that my father had taken down from the attic. The crib was a beautiful oak-colored thingy that Josh and I had laid in. My dad even had the sheets and the canopy attached to it with beautiful white lace cloths that you can hang on the sides and on the canopy. The sheets are like also white that Georgia had washed so many times until the smell of old mothballs washed out of them.

That morning after another night of not sleeping, due to Romeo and his nightly crying fits, my father walks in. "Are you coming to dinner later?" Asks my father, who can almost guess the answer, "Who is coming?" I ask him, though I can read the answer off his face, "Josh," says my dad, causing me to go back to Romeo who is crying, and get him out of the crib first.

"No, is he alone?" I ask curiously anyway. "Maxine, he always has that appendage with him," sighs my dad, who won't say Remco's name. My dad didn't like Remco from day one. I don't know if it's because Josh came home with a boy or if it's something personal.

"How long are you going to lock yourself in here for, Josh?" Asks dad with a stern look, who just wants me to show myself a little more downstairs, even though mom doesn't want me to.

I had my figure back like before after two months, only I had started to neglect myself more and more as the months went by. Father doesn't let me answer his question myself but answers it for me already. "You will now shower and in one hour come presentably to the table, understand," says my father with the parental voice that I can hardly ignore or contradict.

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