Chapter 14

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After having to listen to an entire hour-long tirade from my brother, I lock myself in my room. I am so not in the mood for this! I'm already so confused by all my life and the boys in it.

That night I still try to send with Tristan to explain that this is not going to work, which of course was cowardly to do along with a message. He tried calling me all that night just like the night before I just ignore him again because when I pick up he starts manipulating me to stay with him again.

Remco drops me and Gabrielle off at school today, where we walk to our first class, math. Where I stare at the board, where all the numbers start to move. I hadn't slept much that night and now I will pay for it. Gabrielle shuffles me through a little later to go to the next class.

How glad I am that its lunch and I can lay back down. That afternoon I was finally rested and could still follow history. Not that it is my favorite class, but it is my favorite teacher to sit with, he is always friendly and does not give us too much homework, like the rest of the teachers.

After school- there he is again at his car, but now not in as good a mood as yesterday. "Maxine, are you serious! You're dumping me through text after we first had sex a few hours before!" He yells causing a few girls to look our way and walk away laughing. This too, was just what I was in the mood for! Tristan going to give another whole scene here, for anyone to see.

"We're too different Tristan. I can't do this anymore," I say walking away from him. He grabs my arm and turns me around to face him. "You'll be back," he says with that selfish smile on his face. He's crazy if he really believes that, glad he's driving away so I can get home.

Arriving home, I see Josh standing at the door with his guitar, yelling at Remco to go to his guitar lesson.

The door is closed and I am alone and stand under the shower, enjoying the hot water until I hear Remco join me in a shower. I look at him and kiss him immediately, not thinking but immediately doing what I wanted all this week. He has ignored me almost all week, except for that time in the couch what happened between us.

I feel his hands on my breasts, squeezing and licking them until I almost lose my self-control. He suddenly picks me up, causing me to wrap my legs around him, even better now feeling his stiff penis against my vagina. He kisses my neck and breasts as I grab his hair and pull it gently. He sets me back down and we walk into my room still wet and half-dried where we both flop down on the bed and continue where we left off in the shower. Kissing, I lay on top of him rubbing my vagina over his stiff penis until I grab a condom from my nightstand and want to put it over him, "you want this for sure?" I ask him, at first he is silent. Then anyway I take the condom from me and slide it over his already hard penis.

I look at him again before I quietly take hold of his penis and bring it to my vagina. I gently lower myself onto him, this feels exactly like the first time I chuckle to myself. When he is all the way inside me and I look at him, he looks like he is about to pop.

I gently move over him, causing him to start moaning. He grabs my face and kisses my lips as I slide harder and harder on him. Less than two minutes later, he cums and I see a red blush come over his cheeks. "Sorry," he apologizes as he comes to lie next to me and takes off the condom, and buttons it up.

Silently I continued to stare at the ceiling in the bedroom. I had just had sex with Remco! Which was the best sex I had ever had! How am I ever going to get over him now?

Remco is still lying next to me naked and I try to sneak a look which fails, "don't look that much, cause you can look at the beauty of me," he laughs when he tells me this and he even gives me a hug before he gets back in the shower and goes to get my brother.

When Josh steps in, I have to act like nothing happened, which it had! I had sex with his boyfriend less than half an hour ago! Who he's been with for almost six years! What kind of a sister am I.

I decide to cook and as I'm caring for the potatoes standing at the kitchen counter, I feel Remco grab my hips and turn me over. My brother is looking off to the other side and is still far too caught up in his favorite series to see or hear us.

"You must never tell your brother about this," he whispers in my ear. I look right at him now and as our mouths come closer to one again Josh's reaction to the TV calls us apart.

"Can't Carla see now that John is using her!" Yells Josh who then turns to the kitchen, where Remco has already positioned himself somewhere else so as not to make Josh suspect anything. "I don't get it either Josh," Remco says back as he takes water from the fridge and sits back down next to Josh, but not before he had touched mine behind one more time.

I look at him in surprise as he sits there so dryly next to my brother. How does he do that anyway? I'm still all over the place from our sex party right there in my bed.

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