Chapter 31

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I feel tears running down my cheeks as I keep repeating that sentence in my head.

"Maxine, go pack your things! I don't want to see you anymore!" Yells the brother who always loved me more than sister and brother do, he was like a father to me. And he throws me out on the street without a word. I couldn't even stand it still, too heartbroken from the words Remco had said to me.

I go to my room and start throwing my stuff into the two suitcases that are in my closet. Furthermore, I pack everything except things that remind me of Remco and me.

I lay his T-shirt that I have always treasured on the bed. And then I take out the earrings that he had bought for my birthday, which now just seems like a thank you for having sex with him.

When I want to walk out the door back to my parent's home, Josh and Remco are already in their room arguing. I leave the home where I have lived for almost two years now and go back to the house, where I had previously fled "my parents".

When I arrive at the two familiar white doors to my parents' deluxe two-story home. I knock on the door, which causes my mother to open it.

She stares at me with her steel-gray eyes and her light brown hair perfectly styled, as if she has just come from the hairdresser. She has her perfectly manicured hands at her sides.

"We were expecting you home already. It took longer than expected, but we knew you'd screw up again, Maxine Dewaluwe!" Shouts my mother in that voice of hers. She starts yelling at my father, "John! Maxine is back!" of course, my father also comes running to the door with his blond hair with some gray already in it, also perfectly styled.

As they are the Dewaluwe a family with status, at least that is how my mother describes it. My father has on his gray tailored suit with a cream-colored shirt and a black tie. Angrily I walk past them to my room, "Manners Maxine! You are a guest in our house." Do I hear this right? Is my mother really calling me a guest in her house?

I'm her own goddamn daughter! But as always, I'm the one they didn't want here! Josh had they planned and was their angel, is and always has been. You would think they shouldn't have him anymore because he has come out in his orientation, but no. They just ignore the fact that Remco exists and will continue to until Josh finds a woman who wants children with him.

"Mother, I am your own flesh and blood! How do you get it past your Botox lips that I'm a guest!" I say viciously, worse than I would have liked.

Yes, my mother has been using Botox for years, she can't stand the fact that she's getting older. My 49-year-old mother looks like a woman in her 30s, it's just embarrassing. "Do you still want our help! Or are you going to roam, across the states?" Asks my mother sharply with my father coming out behind her with his big hand on her shoulder.

"Maxine, honey, be a little nice to your mother?" Asks dad with his eyes staring into mine. I nod at him and walk upstairs before putting my bags in my room. Angrily, I jump onto the big bed with the beautiful satin pink bedspread that has been on it for thirteen years.

Of course, my mother washed it, actually, her household helped to be honest. My mother doesn't extend a hand, she would only break a nail. I look across the creamy yellow room with the mirror above my dresser that faces my bed. In the left corner hangs a painting by some painter I don't know, and on the right is a desk for the school work I've had for the last few years.

Always I have planned out my life, the first kindergarten then elementary school, and now secondary where I am going to get my diploma next week at the ceremony. My big dream was to go to university and continue my studies.

I had always imagined myself as an architect, although now this dream is not the most important thing in my life. No, Remco broke me in more ways than I had imagined.

He hadn't just let me walk out the door like old dirt, no!

I had been sitting in my parents' house for almost a year now, sad, emotional, and pregnant!

You read it right! I am pregnant. Remco had not only left me but also the unborn child in my belly.

When my mother and father heard that I was pregnant, a whole tirade came out of my mother. I had never seen her so angry as she was then, her steely gray eyes could shoot arrows at me.

My father reacted better to it and only wanted to know the boy who had gotten me pregnant. Whether I really said that this child was Remco's, of course not!

I put a spin on it that Tristan is who had gotten me pregnant. Mother and father didn't even know why Josh had thrown me out. He barely came around here himself, if at all. Especially since I live here now. If he came by at all, I was always in my room.

In the mirror in my bathroom, I look at myself with the gigantic belly, from which a child will come out one of these days. Josh doesn't even know I'm pregnant. No one knows! Mother didn't want them to know her 19-year-old daughter is pregnant from a one-time sex party, How I told her anyway.

All I do is watch movies in my room on my laptop and raid the kitchen, where Georgia always puts out some goodies for me. Yes, only my mother her housekeeper knows about my situation, who stands by me every day and is there for me. All the questions I had, she answered.

Like every weekday, I am sitting in my room at my desk watching movies on my laptop when I feel something running down my legs. Startled, I jump up, knowing this is the beginning.

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