Chapter 4

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The next day dawned and I began my daily activities. Going to school and coming home to my brother's apartment, started to cook for them who left in the evening to Remco's parents to stay there for the weekend.

When they left and I am alone all weekend, I miss them right away. I try to distract myself with some cleaning, but my brother is such a cleaning freak that everything is already as good as clean and I immediately know nothing more to do. That Saturday night, I decide to invite Gabrielle over and watch a movie and cook a pizza.

That night Gabrielle slept in my bed and that Sunday we go for a walk outside in the park. Meet up with her boyfriend and a new boy who is there who I don't recognize. "This is Tristan", Dave the boyfriend of Gabrielle, who introduces his friend to us. He immediately catches my eye by his black hair which looks somewhat like Remco's. Only his eyes are more dark gray than blue, as well as he is slightly smaller than Remco. Why do I compare every boy to my brother's boyfriend?

We go to town together where there is currently a fair where we go on all kinds of rides and I sit with Tristan in the familiar chairs of the Ferris wheel. He looks at me, "I heard from Kris. That it just broke up with your boyfriend?" I nod at him in confirmation and continue to look around me. I feel his hands squeezing mine, by that action I turn around and look straight into his eyes. Not only that, but I kiss him, why not? I'm single, and we've been hanging out together all day. Secretly, I have to admit I was thinking more about Remco than him when I kissed him. I can't help it, it's stronger than me.

The rest of the evening at the fair, we walk around hand in hand. Gabrielle smiles at me with her finger raised. I smile at her too and nod at her in confirmation, that I had kissed Tristan. It's as if Gabrielle knows that I would be attracted to Tristan. Maybe that's because she knows about my sneaky fantasy about Remco.


That week passed and everything is going well back home and I'm even back in a relationship, this time with Tristan. Who is not as much of a homophobe as Tony! I immediately told him about my brother and Remco. He didn't mind at all and accepted them immediately. The only thing that didn't work out between Tristan and Remco was that I don't know why they are so hostile toward each other, but I won't let it ruin the relationship this time. I may not get Remco, but Tristan is so much like Remco that I can pretend he is Remco and not Tristan. Ok, this sounds strange. But it feels so good with Tristan and I have a feeling he really likes me and Remco will never be mine because he only falls for boys and that one boy is my brother.

Tristan is back visiting my brother's apartment, where no one is now. "Why is that friend of your brother's so protective of you?" Tristan suddenly asks as we sit on the bed kissing, "We've been friends since I was twelve, he just wants to protect me," I tell Tristan continuing to kiss him and stroking his arm. But I could have taken this as another sign, though I was too busy with Tristan at the time.

He lets go and kisses me back. We had been together for almost a week now and like two rutting teenagers, we still hadn't slept together, which I was proud of. With Tony, I was in his bed from day one, which was the biggest mistake I had done.

Tristan is kissing me on the neck when I hear the front door open and the voice of my brother and Remco saying they are home. Tristan is growling in annoyance, I secretly had to laugh about it and so did he afterward when his stiff penis was gone and finally calmed down from our kissing party on my bed.

"Hello brother and Remco," I say as I walk into the living room with Tristan following me. Remco is right, looking in distrust at Tristan who looks at him like he's dirty too. Those two are still driving me crazy with their feud against each other, and they only just know each other. "Are you staying for dinner?" Asks my brother Tristan who would rather be out of the apartment as soon as possible. He had already expressed a few times that he would rather I came to his house than meet here. All I knew if I went to his house we would have sex, and I wasn't ready for that step yet. "No," says Tristan, who came up with an explanation about his parents expecting him at dinner. He walks out of the door a little later and my brother keeps looking at me in surprise, which makes me shrug my shoulders in ignorance and sit down at the table and eat what Remco made. Which tasted terrible! Why does he still think he can cook? Secretly Josh and I order a pizza which we later eat in front of him causing him to look at us angrily, picking at a piece.

Josh goes to bed and Remco and I are left on the couch, both on opposite sides, with a seat vacant between us where Josh used to sit. I feel him watching, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable, still keeping my gaze on the TV. He sighs and also goes to bed, just like Josh had done a half-hour earlier. This was another sign I had never seen or really noticed.

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