backstory alpha dnd

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Alpha Kelhana

height: 1.90cm
class: rogue
race: elf
Sexuality: pfft...idk-
age: 23
birthday: 31st of october (scorpio)

alpha was born in a little village far away from his current home, Ki-Joon Aries Kelhana was his name. he was an only child, for reasons he was soon to find out. his father had been cursed years ago, and they weren't sure if it was going to pass on to the kids, but it did. Ki-Joon was born with a wolfcurse, meaning if he gets stressed or scared or angry, he can turn into an uncontrollable wolf, fainting right after changing back. he found out quite young, since he grew up in a pretty abusive relationship with his father. his father taught him to never show emotions or sensitivity as it was weak, his father taught him that being gay is disgusting, and he faught with his only son, alot. his mom was a sweet woman, who dared not to go against her husband, who failed to protect her only son. on a cold night, Ki-Joon snapped. he was aged 12 when he walked away from home, not telling anyone, which he still feels bad about since he left his mother alone. Ki-Joon tried his hardest to get away as far as possible, which he succeeded in. in the span of a year, alpha survived on the streets, doing whatever he had to to stay alive, even at a young age. aged 13, Ki-Joon couldn't control the wolf anymore, it howled to go out, it could've been the hunger or maybe even the cold, but containing him seemed impossible. so he turned into his wolfside, not that he had a choice. with sharp teeth and sharp claws Ki-Joon ran into the night, marked every tree he could find, Ki-Joon wasn't in control any longer. he ripped his own chest open, waking joon instead of the wolf, he fell onto the floor, bleeding out of his chest, losing consciousness. at least the blood felt warm, he was convinced this was the end.when he opened his eyes,,,,,,wait,huh? he's alive? around him was a cozy room, and he was tucked into blankets. he got food from an unknown thing from the door and he stayed there safe for a couple of days, until he was ready to come out. the rip in his chest formed to a scar, to this day he's embarrassed about it, and not many people know about it or have seen it, cuz he sees it as a weakness. it was a family of three who rescued him, a father, a mother, and a son about his age. the son's name was Akkar Zelentano who til this day, is his best friend, his brother, his platonic soulmate. the Zelentano's never officially adopted Ki-Joon, but joon finally had a family and a place to live. he got to change his name officially, he was now Alpha Aries Kelhana, citizen of Alfreda. alpha was your typical teenager, he felt sad most of the time, he rebelled against everything, he secretly smoked, he was mysterious. but he found love, at 18 years old he met a girl named Delta Wongnate, his girlfriend for over a year. but she cheated on him. and alpha was absolutely broken, akkar had never seen alpha cry before but there he was, on his bed, crying to himself. and what's the best way to deal with cheating you ask? not what alpha did. alpha decided to sleep with the guy delta cheated on him with, finding out, maybe he wasn't as straight as he thought. alpha stayed heartbroken for a really long time, promising himself never to love again since he wasn't sure he'd survive another heartbreak. but then, he started to do rogue things, pulling his bard brother along with him. the two stole from everywhere, nobody was safe. until one day, they went to steal the royal family's gold. they almost succeeded, until the prince of alfreda stopped alpha at the last moment.
"take me with you"he said.
"huh?" alpha spoke.
"take me with you, please"
and with that, alpha took the prince on an adventure like he'd never seen., they're boyfriends. alpha decided to love again. he's never been so in love with anyone ever before. for a guy who didn't think he'd live past 18, he's done a good job becoming king of Alfreda. his mama Zelentano waving at him and his brother in pride.
if you're wondering, no, alpha's not going back to where he came from. his mother has already passed, and he knows that. he's genuinely happy for the first time in like 17 years.
currently, alpha is 23, he's learned to control his wolf curse, which he says he's a 'wolfshifter' now, as he can turn into his wolf whenever he pleases and be aware of whats happening and no more fainting, just a lil weak.
he has love, he has friends, he has it all.
....good for him-

Alpha and elasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang