a kelhana's way

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another morning fronts in the house of the "adventures" as akkar likes to address them. the friendgroup all lived together, including blue, who was sweetly welcomed into their little life. it was a casual morning, elas was up making breakfast in the kitchen, together with anyk having breakfast at the other side of the counter. they were up early considering anyk wanted to train elas for his battle. the both of them were pretty awake already considering they got up earlier than the rest all the time. before anyk could train elas, she had to give blue some extra attention to make sure he too could protect himself. elas was well aware his turn wasn't near, but decided to get up early anyway, enjoying the outside and some freetime. the two stopped their actions as they heard soft footsteps walking down the hallway. there came blue with a big smile. anyk sighed before throwing away her banana peel and getting up to grab his hand.

"come on then, all ready?" anyk asked, blue nodded. anyk waved at elas before making her way outside with blue. elas waved back, still finding anyk with blue an endearing sight. elas then continued whipping up some eggs. elas didn't take his freetime for granted, spending his time practicing spells and reading in the garden with the fresh sunlight hitting his face. as much as he loved his friends, it was nice to have some free time every once in a while. it was well in the afternoon, blue and anyk often took breaks inside, they were now on their second half of the training. elas put his book down and suddenly got an idea. blue loved his homemade sandwiches, and after the training he had got he sure deserved something to snack on. elas waddled to the kitchen and got started, around halfway through he felt hands snake around his waist and someone hiding their face in his neck.

"alpha? you surprised me" elas giggled.

"well it sure as hell aint akkar huh" alpha said placing a kiss in his boyfriends neck.

alpha leaned his head on his shoulder "whatcha doing" he asked.

"look" elas pointed outside to show blue and anyk giggling. "blue is being a trooper, im giving him his favorite" he smiled, excitedly awaiting blue's reaction. alpha hummed in elas's ear, giving him a shiver in his spine.

"ooorrrr..." alpha started as he placed more kisses down elas's neck, elas could feel the love in every kiss he placed on his skin, making him smile automatically. elas turned around in his arms.

"ahhhhh, that kind of day" he smiled as he shook his head. alpha smiled too and raised his eyebrows once. alpha was quick to lean in for a kiss, only to be stopped by elas's hand.

"mhm, go brush your teeth first, morning breath" he teased. alpha frowned as his shoulders dropped, he took elas's hand off his mouth and placed a kiss on it.

"wait here" he said before running upstairs. elas shook his head, finding his boyfriend cute. even tho alpha hated being called cute, he was.



not long after alpha returned downstairs, elas had already finished preparing blue's lunch.

"there's my pretty boy" elas smiled as he walked up to him, meeting him where their paths met.

"yeah yeah, now....where were we?" alpha sighed before attempting to connect their lips a second time. he pulled away slightly offended but mostly surprised when he was met with elas's cheek instead of his lips. elas cooed at the surprised wolfshifter infront of him and ruffled his hair.

"sorry alphie but training is about to start, i cannot afford any distractions." he said before placing a peck on his boyfriends lips. he then made his way to the door to watch blue and anyk finish their session.

"no distractions huh? boy oh boy you should not have said that.." alpha said to himself before joining elas outside. blue waved at elas happily.

"ELAS! LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" the boy yelled from a little further away before he showed elas his newly taught moves proudly. elas applauded the boy with a smile.

"i made you favorite inside, go see what it is after training" elas said, earning a nod from blue. then, alpha stood behind elas, hands in his pockets.

"so, tell me what you're gonna do today" alpha started, hiding a grin.

"oh! anyk told me she was going to boost up my fighting skills by teaching m-" elas got caught off. suddenly, alpha released an inhuman growl into elas's ear. alpha knew damn well elas melts everytime he does that. elas felt his breathing become heavy as his legs threatened to give up on him. out of shyness his mouth automatically opened a bit, he really couldn't handle the need he possessed when alpha did things like this. elas's sentence was ended with a small gasp escaping his lips, one of alpha's favorite sounds to hear.

"alright! your turn elas!" anyk yelled from across the field as saint threw a water bottle at her, taking blue to the little flowergarden he made.

"yeah, your turn puppy" alpha said as he placed a kiss on his ear before slightly pushing him forward. anyk saw elas stumbling towards her and laughed at his clumsyness.

"woah woah woah, calm down, you look like a newly born giraffe" anyk laughed.

elas turned around to quickly give alpha a deathstare, though it didn't have much impact considering his boyfriend was all too proud of what he had done.

"alright, get your stuff" anyk smiled before starting the training, alpha taking a seat in the grass to watch.

everytime elas glanced at alpha he tried to lure him in, biting or playing with his lip, sitting down in positions elas couldn't resist, winking and smirking, all that jazz. elas did his best to shake off anyk as fast as he could, but anyk was not biting.

then, akkar showed up behind alpha, judging from the entertained smirk on alpha's face, he knew he missed something good. he then sat down next to him.

"why are u looking at him like that? you look like you're staring at dinner" akkar said.

"i am" alpha said with a pause. "its amusing seeing elas try to contain himself"

akkar gave alpha a puzzled look, making alpha chuckle and lean into his ear. he whispered his plan in his ear, awaiting a reaction when he sat back down.

"....gross" was the only thing he said, making them both laugh. alpha sat in silence watching them, akkars obvious thirsting for anyk going in one ear and out the other as he was focused on his boyfriend.

"yo, don't you think you're enjoying this a little too much? you haven't blinked much" akkar said, making alpha nod once before standing up.

"hey anyk! i think elas has had enough now, ill take him from here" alpha yelled across the grass field. anyk simply nodded before taking her sword off of elas. elas fast-walked towards his boyfriend who was clearly enjoying the situation.

he stopped right in front of his face, seeing akkar went to go talk to (flirt with) anyk. elas had a somewhat upset look on his face, not very happy with the stunt he pulled.

"aweee dont be mad my doll" alpha said ruffling elas's hair. elas didn't say anything, he just grabbed alpha's wrist and pulled him with him. as they were walking there was a smile printed on alpha's face, he knew elas was going to be as submissive as ever, but he's not gonna make it easy for him...

"you always get what you want some way or another"

"that's just the kelhana way of getting what i want"

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