surprise visit

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"Well how about it, the alpha kelhana, in love with royalty." Koryn said as he circled around him.

"don't talk to me like that" alpha warned, not moving an inch, only closing his eyes.

"wouldn't you go for someone more in your league? Like....the town street rat perhaps?" He kept going, staring intensely at Alpha's reaction, he wanted to make him snap, but Alpha knew that.

"enough" alpha said, taking a deep breath to control himself.

"The prince would...never... Love someone like you. Don't keep telling yourself he's into you, it's all in your head." He spoke one last time, coming close to alpha's ear. Without much further thought alpha turned around to push Koryn to the floor in one go. Koryn dropped so easily it almost seemed like he was waiting for it. Alpha ignored all of that and climbed on top with a pocketknife he kept on him at all times. He held the blade near Koryn's throat and stared him down.

"I might've been unclear. Shut. The fuck. Up." Alpha said, his deep voice almost growling at him.

"I guess Dior was right, you're just a lost cause." Koryn spoke, trying to keep it minimum to not get cut.

"I made a promise with the prince to not get in trouble, one wrong move and you're dead Koryn, I would really stop talking and start begging for mercy if I were you" alpha threatened again, resulting in Koryn laughing underneath his blade. Alpha pulled the blade tighter against the other's skin.

"Go ahead Kelhana, kill me, let's see how your boyfriend will react to being in the presence of a killer. You haven't ever changed from that little kid that is just like his father. Elas will throw you in the dungeons." Koryn snarled, when Alpha heard those words he stopped at once, looking at Koryn in disbelief before standing up, still staring at Koryn as he watched him get up.

"that's what I thought. Watch your moves alpha. If you want to be loved, you have to be lovable first." Koryn said before walking past Alpha to leave the forest they were in. Alpha just stood and stared until reality hit him. He ran back to turn Koryn around and punch him right in the face, Koryn wasn't about to let that be the last of him, and so, a fight began.




Alpha walked back to the rest, his head somewhere else but his walk normal, a little faster than normal. Until Elas stopped him along the way.

"Alpha! You were only supposed to get wood, where have you been? Me and Akkar have been worried sick." Elas said standing Infront of him.

"don't worry about it, wood is over there" alpha said holding his head low, trying to walk past Elas, but Elas stopped him from doing that once again.

"...alpha, I want you to look at me" Elas tried, but alpha wasn't working with him. Elas walked closer and grabbed his chin using his index finger and thumb. When he lifted his head towards himself, he saw a bloody nose and a bruise on his left cheek. His face dropped in concern, until Alpha grabbed his wrist and took his hand off his face.

"Alpha what h-"Elas started.

"I told you, don't worry about, if you'll excuse me your majesty" alpha said before walking past Elas, Elas didn't try to stop him this time, he thought it'd be best to let him be. But maybe Akkar would know what to do.

"Hey Akkar, uh I just ran into alpha and...I think something happened when he went to fetch wood. He won't talk to me, maybe you can try?"

"Something happened? Huh?"

"Yeah uh, he had these bruises and a bloody nose..." Elas started as Akkar paused his movements, already getting an idea of what alpha has been up to.

Alpha and elasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat