The wolf moon

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It was that time of the year, though for alpha it couldn't come at a worse time. Alpha has been feeling quite down lately, let it be his childhood memories or something that happened recently. He was just lost in his thoughts. But you see, once a year there's a wolf moon. Which would mean that wolves would howl at the moon, and alpha as a wolfshifter, had to isolate himself from the outside every year since it could be dangerous for others if he were to transform. But alpha took it a step further the past years, he demanded to be isolated in his room, for the safety of the rest in the house. Akkar, who has been with him through many moons, knew better then to go against his wishes on days like these. He took care of the rest while alpha would be in his room. Though elas did share a room with the wolfshifter, so he stayed at anyk's for the night.

But this year the couple had trouble, especially elas since he knew alpha was low the last few weeks. He sat on the couch shaking his leg trying to distract himself by watching some TV.

"AKKAR!" elas yelled from the living room

"no need to yell elas, i was only in the kitchen..." akkar said as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Do you think alpha is hungry?" Elas pouted. Akkar chuckled to himself.

"He might be.." akkar sighed. "Ok fine, go ahead and bring him something" akkar said as he rolled his eyes with a smile. Elas smiled and ran to the kitchen immediately, getting alpha some sandwiches. He placed everything on a tray with a glass of water and walked to the stairs. As soon as he took his first step akkar stopped him.

"Oh! And elas. I hate to remind you, but you have to be careful. Alpha gets very needy these days remember? Just give him the tray and get out and DONT touch him...he might try to change your mind" akkar warned. Elas nodded and gave a smile.

"Don't worry, i know the rules." He quickly made his way upstairs. As soon as elas knocked and opened the door his heart got heavy. Alpha was just sitting at the end of their shared room in a dark ish room. Not doing anything but spending time with himself. As soon as elas walked in alpha's eyes were only on the boy, following him wherever he went. Elas closed the door behind him and made his way towards his boyfriend. Elas gave a small smile. "Hey darling... you're not going to entertain yourself?" He asked as he walked in and placed the tray on his nightstand.

"No, im fine like this...i have enough thoughts to keep me entertained for a while" alpha answered, His voice a little quieter than usual. Elas looked at his lover with a sad face.

"I brought you your favorite..if you need anything please give me a yell." Elas said walking towards the doorframe. Alpha smiled softly. "I miss you." Elas sighed and doubted, but gave into his heart anyway. Just a small touch can't hurt, right? Elas walked up to stand infront of alpha and leaned in to give him a peck.

"You'll be ok, this will be over before you know it" he reassured. Alpha looked the boy in the eyes and slowly blinked. He slightly smiled before leaning in again, holding into elas.

Elas giggled into the kiss. Making alpha pull away and stand up infront of his lover.

"I know i know i miss your kisses too" elas smiled as he looked up to him. Alpha leaned in again this time elas felt something in his stomach, probably the tension alpha created. Alpha held onto elas as he kissed him passionately, elas couldn't help but respond. Alpha quickly turned them around and pushed elas onto the bed, only to climb on top and pin him down into the sheets by his hands immediately.

"A-alphie we can't-" elas said, suddenly remembering what akkar always says.

"But we will pup" alpha breathed as he made out with elas. Elas responded as always, It was hard for him not to.

"Mh- alpha- are you sure?" Elas asks, more worried for his own body more than alpha's to tell you the truth. Alpha looks him in the eye and smirks coldly, sending shivers up elas's spine. Alpha leaned into elas's ear.

"Ill make you feel like never before, pup. So, do you think you can behave for me?" Alpha whispered. Elas looked alpha in the eyes, who lifted himself back infront of elas.

"Like never before?...that sounds promising." Elas gulped. Alpha chuckled deeply.

"I won't be gentle pup, do you think you can handle all of me tonight? Are you that needy? Do you think you can handle the thrill of it all?" Alpha smirked.

Elas switched from eye to eye and slowly nodded before connecting their lips again.




Anyk came walking down the stairs to see akkar reading a book on the couch.

"Hey akkar! Um wasn't elas supposed to sleep in my room tonight?" Anyk questioned as she sat down next to akkar.

"He is, though i thought he was there already...?" Akkar said putting his book down.

"No...when was the last time you've seen him?" Anyk said taking a sip of Akkar's tea on the table.

"He went to bring alpha some food" akkar said calmly. Anyk spat her tea out.

"HE WHAT??" She said worried. Akkar got shocked from the reaction.

"Well he went to bring alpha food and never came back down, I thought he went to bed already.." Akkar defended.

"you didnt see Elas return and figured he was asleep?! oh come on connect the dots akkar.. he's not here, he didnt return and he's not in my room." Anyk sighed.

"OH MY GOD IM AN IDIOT" akkar said finally realizing the situation.





The next morning akkar and anyk were already downstairs, having breakfast at the dinner table. That is until a certain wolfshifter walked downstairs in simply grey sweatpants and no shirt.

"Goodmorning guys, guess who's back" he stated happily.

"Morning alpha, i see we've chosen the minimalistic clothes" akkar said as he took a sip of his coffee. Alpha just laughed it off.

"You seem very happy alpha...maybe the moon did you good this year?" Anyk asked.

"I guess it did huh, maybe something was different this time around" he said facing the fridge and secretly brushing his thumb across his bottom lip with a smirk.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Anyk asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen. The sounds of wincing and groaning could be heard coming down the stairs. Alpha chuckled as he leaned against the counter, facing the door where a certain boy may appear from soon. Elas slowly waddled into the kitchen with a tired face.

Anyk laughed quietly and akkar rolled his eyes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" akkar said sarcastically.

"Shut up" elas said unamused. He made his way to stand infront of alpha. Alpha smiled at him and held his hips.

"Didn't i tell you to stay upstairs pup? Ill get you some food" alpha said pulling the boy close. Elas yawned and leaned against alpha.

"You were taking too long" elas giggled. Elas was wearing one of alpha's shirts and a pair of shorts, a perfect outfit to reveal his dark purple hickeys on his thighs, collarbones, neck and a little bit of his chest. "What happened to you? Damn did you wrestle with a wolf or something?" Akkar teased, to which alpha gave akkar the death glare to.

"Be nice to him, he had a rough night" alpha giggled at akkar and the boy in his arms.

"Im embarressed, are you almost done? Can we go soon?" Elas asked as he hid his face in alpha's chest. Alpha shrugged.

"Breakfast can wait love, come on, i think someone is in need of cuddles." Alpha said before picking elas up bridal style and walking towards the stairs.

"Keep it down this time, i barely got a lick of sleep last night" akkar whined.

"YOU WISH BUDDY" alpha yelled as he carefully carried his love upstairs.

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