"I'm going to use the restroom."
I went and stood there for a minute as if I went there.

"EWWWW if you saw what I saw you'll get out of the restaurant immediately. The bathroom is .. I can't . I can't ." I said dramatically.

"Oh my god what?!" Shai said

"What! What did you see!" Aliyah said.


They both made an 'ew' facial expression.
"Like one got its head cut off execution style. And like a bunch of little ones are eating it and-"
I got cut off "okay okay ew ! Let's go!" Aliyah said.
I smiled to myself. Yes.

We paid the bill and left to the car.
Now we got out of the restaurant.. what now? How am I going to make sure Aliyah is safe ? Ummm i..
"Guys..." I said in a sad tone.
They both replied with 'yeah'
"I hope I'm not asking too much.." I said.
"What? No go on ask for anything." Aliyah said.
"Anything girl. It's your day." Shai said.
"I... I don't feel like going anywhere else tonight.. like can we watch some movies?.." I said.
"Yes of course!" Aliyah said."
"We should go get something to snack on ." Shai said.
It's 7:45 I had to stop her from going anywhere and for both of them to stay together in a place I know is safe.
"Oh! No no no! I'm totally full and my dorm has enough snacks!" I said.
"Oh alright.. then let's go! I already got a movie in mind!" Shai said excited. Shai is a big movie nerd. Thats one of the things I love about her.

In my dorm.

Shai and Aliyah got seated in the couch and put a movie on. The movie is back to the future , I've already seen it.
I went to the bathroom and acted as if I got my period.
"Guys I'm out of pads.. I'll go get some. But don't ever open the door. Ever. Percy is in his room so if you hear a knock don't make any noise.." I said.
They looked kinda scared I feel bad.
"It's not that big of a deal it's just Girl Scout cookies from the school next to us. I didn't pay last time..."
I said .
"Oh." Shai said.
"They still do that?" Aliyah said laughing.
"Yeah haha" I said laughing.
"Well alright guys. Keep watching , it's okay if I'm a little late I probably got carried away in the candy section or something." I said.

I left . Ready to meet up with Shane . That bitch is already out.
I saw him peeking at the end of the hall . I went straight to the elevator and to the place he wanted to meet up with me.. or shai..

Exactly 8:00 pm.
Shane came in. It was next to a small grocery store.
"Ohhh.. its you." Shane said with a small smile.
"Yes. Go on. Speak." I said.
"Did you bring it?" Shane said.
"Speak." I said.
"Your so cute like this." He said laughing.
I made a 'excuse me' expression.
"I'm not trying to entertain you here. What do you want?." I said.
"Wow. You tryna trick me here?" Shane said.
"Trick you?... what are you talking about?" I said. Done with him. I'm so done.
Shane came close. Too close , there's almost no space between us. I got my gun out slowly..
"Give. Me. The key." He said trying to 'warn' me. Smiling too.
"What's the reason?" I said.
"That doesn't concern you."
"It does."
"Give it." He said holding my wrists harshly."
I put my gun on his abdomen. "Does it concern me now?" I said with a sly smile.
"I-it it doesn't! But okay! Okay!" He said freaking out.
Nice. I'm satisfied.
"It belongs to my father!"
"Then why does shai have it?"
"I have no idea but I need it."
"What makes you think I'll give it to you?" I said laughing. What a joke.
"I NEED it . Please..." he said.
I clocked the gun.
"I also NEED you to answer. Why do you want the key so bad?"
"I-I I n-" he said , as if he's stuttering. I said as if because he was trying to distract me from his next move.
I shoot his toe before he could even move. And ran. Fae far away.

I've decided to make my way to the police station. But first I need to set the scene. I went to the grocery store bathroom. Faked cried and messed my hair up.
I look quite believable.

In the police station.

"I ne-need to f-file a a kidnapping at-tempt.." I said sniffing.
"What's going on sweetheart?" Do you need a cup of tea? Some water." The lady said.
Thank god it was a woman so she can sympathize with me.
I shook my head no.
"Alright let's go sit and give me the details."
I sat down and told her a story I made up.
"Do you know him?"
"How does he look like dear ?"
"Um.. brunette.. beady eyes.. and uh.. big forehead."
I said.
"Alright.. and his hight?"
"I-I don't really know .. maybe 5'9?"
"Okay.. okay.. and what's his name?"
"Shane what? I need his last name dear."
"Shane.. Sa."

Alright so this is my attempt on a cliffhanger. It's good right? Anyways just posted my first post on TikTok! Just search #inthismaduniverse and I'm sure it'll show up. Tell me what you think of the cover and also how to fix the cover quality issue. Thanks.
Peace ☮️

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