Part M7

28 0 55

"Yes.." I replied to ginger.
"Come on meet my friends!" He said while dragging me by my left arm. Eugh. "Everyone this is the lady from the airplane.." he said waiting for me to continue his sentence.
"Sera march" I said with a small smile.
"And this is Tim hall.." he said pointing at normal looking white guy. Zero seasoning.
"And this is patrik Dale." He said pointing to a tall.. broad .. charming.. no . Normal brunette. He's fine. Yeah... he's just a normal man.
I said 'hey' in a low tone almost a whisper. I'm just tired.
"You see .. sera , they're all British and I've noticed that ur not so .. don't get weirded out they talk all weird .. you know? the British people?" He 'explained'
I laughed a little. "I think we're the one who are talking weird.. we're in their country don't you think?" I said . "Man..! We Americans should stick together!" He said , genuinely sad. "No thanks.." I said leaving to order. "Hey ! One minute there girl." Patrik.. I'm assuming. I turned around waiting for him to continue. "I.. we'd like for you to join us." He said.
I tried to hide a smile. "I'm in a rush." I replied.
"Oh. Alright. Then have good night." He said.
"Yeah good night and it was nice meeting you." Tim said. "Yeah I bet it was nice meeting me huh!" Ginger said. I replied with a 'mhm' .
"Good night you all!" I said and waved goodbye.


I went and looked around to order. Got myself a slice of marble cake and a chocolate muffin for shai.  I guess I should get Percy too.. and his friend, he might be here still. I'll ask shai.

The call:

"Hey! Sorryimlateiminthisbakeryithoughtyoudlikeamuffinorsomething." I said fast.
"Yeah.. okay I'd like one." She said. Something is up...
"Hey.. Aliyah is okay. I'll make sure of it. Just.. don't worry . Okay?" I said trying to comfort her.
"I feel responsible."
"We'll you're not. I'll take care of it. Stop worrying it'll do you no good."
"Okay" she said while trying to hide her sniffles.
"Are? You're crying?!" I said.
"Haha no I'm fine it's just .. allergies!" She said laughing a little.
"Allergies?.. what allergies?"
"Dust.." she said slowly. Girl.
"If I said that it would've been believable. But you don't have allergies." I said laughing a little.
She laughed. "Yeah I messed up haha. I should've thought of a better lie."
We laughed together.
"Well.. alright. Drink some chocolate milk while I'm gone. I'll be back soon." I said. She replied with an 'okay'.

Shai's point of view:

I stayed in the living room waiting for sera. Hoping that Percy won't be out when I'm here. God! This is so frustrating! Why does he has to be her roommate! My best friends roommate!
I heard the creek of his door. I closed my eyes. I don't want to see him.
"Hey..umm is sera here?"
I turned around. It's his friend.
"No." I replied. He left. Someone got a crush.
Percy came in the living room. Sigh. He went and grabbed some chocolate milk.. that's mine. Now I don't mind sharing. But Percy ? No. Btw I wasn't staring at him. I just wanted some chocolate milk as well.
He seemed to notice me 'staring at him' cause I see a slight smile. Btw I'm staring at the chocolate milk. Percy left to his room and said goodbye to his friend.
Ring ring.

*the same call mentioned above goes on.*

Sera's point of view:

I left the bakery to my dorm. As I entered the building, I noticed a figure moving at the side of my eye. It seemed as it was watching me. I went to it. Now a normal person wouldn't do that would they? But I have a d*ath wish. I got closer but the bch ran. I can't run! I run funny it's embarrassing . I'll let him go. Or I made him think I did. I stayed at the side for five minutes or so. I peeked and saw him. Son of a bch (literally) Shane. Hah. What am I supposed to do about him.

I entered my dorm to see shai sitting on the couch sipping on her chocolate milk watching the tv.
"Here you go" I said while handing her the muffin.
She replied with a thanks.
"I'll give this to Percy and come back."
"Hey. No wait. I'll leave actually I'm kind of tired."
"No I want to tell you who I met at the cafe!"
"What about the muffin! Will you not eat it?"
"I will but I need to be alone right now. Thank you again." She said hugging me.
"Yes of course. Anytime, you know that?" I replied.
"Yeah" she said and left.
I knocked and gave Percy his muffin. "Muffin? At 11 am?" He said.
"As if you sleep early." I replied. "You're right . Thanks." He said laughing. I replied 'you're welcome' and left to the living room. I put my cake in the fridge. I'm not really hungry. I layed down on the couch and then drifted to sleep.

In this mad univeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt