Chapter 22

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"I said I'm sorry.." He ran a shaky hand through his messy hair, too nervous. "I don't know why I said it..."

He was still sitting on the bed, giving me his back as I sat behind him. Where few minutes ago, we had sex and told me he loves me. And I unintentionally started panicking.

It was like a button had been pressed inside of me and my whole body traveled back to six years ago, all the way to when I was holding Toji that night. When he was sleeping between my arms and whispering how much he fucking loved me. Those exact same words...

So I didn't actually freak out because of Satoru's feelings for me, I freaked out because of the words he used, which like I said, opened some deep, old wounds that brought up painful flashbacks to me.

"Don't apologize, please, I'm not mad..." I said to him, shaking my head and pulling the covers up to cover my bare chest. "I was just... surprised, kind of.." I murmured.

"What's so surprising about it?" His head slightly turned back to me. His back was hunched and I could already feel the tension building up between us again. It is like that night was happening all over again.

"You know, Satoru, it's a big word..." I murmured anxiously, replaying those words in my head again. Couldn't help my heart from pumping heavily in my chest, both in excitement and horror.

I guess part of me always knew there were feelings between us, like a crush or a mutual liking. Normally, because we spend so much time together and we understand each other. Even when we fight, it doesn't really last long and we always end up solving things and talking them out. Which is something I grew to value and like more about him.

But love, on the other hand, that was a huge word. Because I wouldn't call it love... How can he love me?

"Wasn't it obvious, Ania?" He said impatiently, his whole body turning to me now and his gaze was as hard as a rock. My eyes widened and I gulped when I saw him shifting over the bed, inching and getting closer to me.

"Touch me, Ania!" His voice was so stern, not angry, but too stern and serious. I frowned at him, not fully understanding.

"Touch me.." He repeated impatiently.

Realizing he won't answer my confusion unless I do what he says, I moved my hand up to lightly brush it over his collarbone. Satoru dragged a heavy breath, his skin was inflamed under my fingertips.

"Do you feel it? Do you feel my body? This body..." He said and his breath was growing more rigid now. "No one ever touched this body! Not a single soul got close to it before. No one, but him, and until recently, you..."

My lips parted in shock and I felt my breath getting caught in my throat, making me about to choke when I finally realized what he's been telling me this whole time. Just by this little gesture he's been doing.

"Wasn't it obvious? That day when Iori told you, I thought you were really about to catch something in what she said..." He chuckled dryly, a look of disappointment crossing his features. "But you know what? I don't care.." He reached more closely to me, my hands fell from his body and into my lap. Satoru's big hands reached both of my shoulders and he held me.

"I love you, Ania Kubo, or Fushiguro, or whatever..." He breathed out heavily again, clearly trying to control himself. "Since that day in Yaga's office, since that first time I got to look into your eyes.. Ania.." He said, pausing to look intently into my eyes. "What I saw, terrified me.."

Staying silent, my face frowned at him in more confusion.

"I'm Satoru Gojo, the six eyes sorcerer, the strongest, got fucking terrified to my core the first time I looked into your eyes..." He said, a crazy look was now forming in his eyes as he let out another chuckle. I held my breath, feeling a little scared at how freaked out he sounded and looked.

Bad Timing | Satoru Gojo | Toji Fushiguro | Jujutsu KaisenWhere stories live. Discover now