Chapter 4

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It was around midnight. I woke up to the feeling of a heavy weight pressing on my body. The breath rushed out of my lungs as I jerked my head up to the source of this heaviness.

"I'm sorry.. I woke you up.." Toji's voice came muffled from below my chest. I sighed deeply then sank back into my pillow, reaching my hands to his head, where it was lying on my stomach. My fingers found his hair and I started stroking it.

"You just got back?" I whispered, my voice raspy and my mouth felt dry. My mind was still not fully awake yet.


"Is everything okay?" I asked, peering down a little at him. It was dark but a faint street light was coming through the window, illuminating the room a little.

"Yea, love, I'm just tired..." He said and shuffled his face into my stomach, I started to feel his body weight sinking deeper on top of me.

My chest let out another deep sigh, because I was still kind of irritated. After what happened this morning, the thoughts that crept into my head after he left, everything felt off and weirdly dangerous. Like something bad was about to happen and him keeping secrets from me wasn't helping...

But then I decided that it was not a good time to bring all of that up to him now, so I stroked his hair again. "Did you eat something? I can make something for you." I said, whispering softly to him.

I felt his head shaking slightly on top of me. "Thank you, but I ate." He mumbled and lifted his head up, trying to look at my face. "I've missed you." He said and I felt my lips giving him a weak smile.

"I swear, the only thing that makes me excited about coming home is you, Ania, no matter how shitty it gets, the thought of coming to you just makes everything a little better." He murmured, then sighed and started inching his body up to level with me on the bed.

"I fucking love you, Ania!" He whispered in a more serious tone, his hot breath landing over my lips as he pressed his body on top of me. His strong arms rested on each side of my body, propping himself on top and his hips settled between my thighs. I held my breath for a second, not really wanting to say anything when he was this close to me.

"Do you love me?" His mouth was only inches away from my jawline. I nodded slowly and took a deep breath, inhaling his closeness. He smelled like his usual cologne and smoke.

"Can I sleep like this tonight?" He mumbled, moving his face to my collarbone and kissing me sloppily. Without waiting for an actual approval, he moved his head further down and rested it between my breasts, moving his arms away and crushing my body with his whole weight. One of his hands crawled its way under my t-shirt and he grabbed one of my breasts with it.

I sighed again, defeated and still sleepy. I will talk with him tomorrow, for right now, I just wrap my arms around him and hold him into me.

"I love you, Toji." I whispered back, not sure if he heard me or not, because his breathing deepened and his whole body slumped even more on top of me...


"Thank you." I said to Toji when he handed me my mug of hot coffee.

It was another gloomy morning. He woke up early to go grab us breakfast and brought coffee for us. I was wrapped in my blanket as usual and sat at the dining table. Toji went to sit in front of me, sipping his coffee and opening his laptop next to his plate.

I sighed to myself and moved to take a bite of my egg sandwich. Even if I was a little mad at him, him making me breakfast will always have a sweet and soft spot in me.

Bad Timing | Satoru Gojo | Toji Fushiguro | Jujutsu KaisenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum