You're going to be okay

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Two days later, Leroy, Hunter Green Steve, Lee, Professor Red, Shadow Sabre and the top class Yellow Steve returned to the Overworld. Nickle, Chips, Cheya, Uni and Davina were able to tell everyone that Death Steve was the one behind everything thanks to Nickle's evidence from her go pro. Leroy was finally trusted by everyone again. He was pretty hurt from everything. He had lost Sally, Ash and then Trevil. He lost so many of his friends and family. He was happy the rest of his friends were safe but was still hurt that all this happened. Death Steve was Red Steve. Someone who had helped him before. He did care for what happened to him before. A funeral was hosted for everyone who had died in this. Leroy did attend it as well as his friends. They all wanted to go so they could apologize for what Death Steve did. Leroy knew he wasn't guilty at all for this but he still wanted to pay his respects and apologize for everything. So many people had lost their friends and their family. It wasn't just Leroy and his friends. Death Steve killed multiple people and destroyed many people's properties leaving some people without homes so as a result, Leroy and his friends donated money to all the people who lost their homes so they could be able to buy new homes soon. Leroy and his friends got the medical attention they needed and were now safe. The police were still scouting out the area to make sure everyone was safe. As heartbroken as he was, Leroy knew he wasn't the only one mourning and wasn't the only one dealing with the pain of loss and guilt. Everyone was. Leroy had almost died. He has multiple times before but this beat all of it. He had to survive the entire time and he barely survived this time. He was lucky to have escaped this death but he would rather have been killed than see his friends get hurt. He was lucky they all lived. Leroy and the top class Yellow Steve entered Leroy's house. "That was some excellent fighting at the academy today." Leroy says to the top class Yellow Steve. "Thanks. Can't believe I beat you in that duel again." The top class Yellow Steve says. Leroy chuckles. "You're a strong one for sure." He says. They both sat down near the window. "So, you knew Death Steve before?" The top class Yellow Steve asks. "Yes. I wasn't expecting him to be Red Steve." Leroy says. "Hmm. I'm sorry about that." The yellow Steve says. "Are you okay?" Leroy asks. "Sorry. It's just that..." He trails off. Leroy puts his hand on his back. "I just wish I could've helped you before that happened." The Yellow Steve says. Leroy puts his head down. He knew that the top class Yellow Steve had helped them so he wanted to say something supportive. "You did help us still. I would have been killed if you didn't help us. You know you were the one who made me get back up. To protect you and the others, I stayed down after he stabbed me but after hearing what you said, I knew I had to save you and everyone else. Then you were brave enough to come back during the final fight and you saved me again. That's what a brave warrior does." Leroy explains. The Yellow Steve looks at him. "I was just trying to say how strong we truly were to Death Steve. I wasn't expecting it would revive you." He says. "It did." Leroy says, "You're my hero." He gives the top class Yellow Steve a side hug. Leroy knew that this Yellow Steve was his student but he knows that he was a good role model to that Yellow Steve or rather a good father figure to him. Yellow Steve smiled. Leroy stood up and walked outside. He went inside the garden and looked up at the sky. He was glad everything was finally at peace again and happy that everyone who had died has finally been avenged. Leroy leaned on the fence that surrounded the garden. He looked down and saw a Yellow flower. He grabbed it and lifted it up into the sky. He put his hand over his heart and bowed. This was what he did before back in the flower field and he wanted to do it again. He then gasped and looked into the forest. He rushed into it and made it back to the flower field. He hadn't been there in a long time. He planted the flower he picked in the ground and stood up. "I've avenged you. I'm sorry it had to happen this way." He says. He sighs sadly. "Leroy!" Someone shouted. Leroy gasped and turned around. The top class Yellow Steve ran over to him. "Oh hi." Leroy says. "Are you okay?" Yellow Steve asks. "I'm fine." Leroy says looking up at the sky. "You know you're going to be okay right?" Yellow Steve asks. "Of course." Leroy says. But then he gasps. "You know, I gave Innocent Orange Steve, my old best friend this flower crown I made in this field." Leroy says taking it out. "Whoa. You still have that?" The top class Yellow Steve asks. "Yeah. But I think I know who I'm going to give this to." Leroy says. "Who?" Yellow Steve asks. "You." Leroy says. He puts it on his head. "I thought I would give you that. Since you helped us out and were very brave. You deserve it. I bet if Innocent Orange Steve were here. He'd be proud of you too." Leroy looks up in the sky, "and so would my teacher." He says. Yellow Steve smiles. They both look up at the sky. Leroy was happy to be okay and he knows he's not alone. Leroy pulled the top class Yellow Steve closer. Leroy also knew that Yellow Steve would soon go on the adventures he's had and could maybe one day be the new king.

A King Vs Hell; Book #5Where stories live. Discover now