Down The Corridor

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"Man, I should've checked to see if that trees roots weren't dead." The Forest Steve says. He was wearing a red scarf around his neck and he also had a few scratches on his body as well as a few burn scar. "A Forest Steve? I thought all the biome steves were dead." Professor Red says confused. "Yeah. Sorry. I just got here." The Forest Steve says. "But how are you alive?" Leroy asks, "Wait a minute." The Forest Steve looks at him and gasps. "Leroy! You're alive!" He exclaims. He hugs him. "Okay. Hug time later." Leroy pushes him away, "I think I recognize you." He says, "Didn't I see you before?" "I don't know. Have you?" The Forest Steve asks. "Yeah. I've seen your species but you seem very familiar." Leroy says. He looks at his scarf the Forest Steve was wearing. Leroy gasps. "It's you!" He exclaim, "I saw you outside that cave when I was still dead!" The Forest Steve gasps. "Oh right. I forgot about that! That was you!" He exclaims. "Leroy. Do you know him?" Lee asks. "I know all the biome steves really but this one is specific. He is the last Biome Steve. One I found when I was still dead technically. While I was, I ended up going to the Winter Village just to scout a few things out. Then I spotted him and went to the cave to get his attention." Leroy explains. "Oh. So, we have a Biome Steve. Now this is someone we really need to keep alive." Lee says. "What do you mean?" The Forest Steve asks. "All I can explain right now is, a Yellow Steve who apparently is a murderer has been going to both Earth which is another world that we found and technically the entire world is different from ours in shape and form technically and The Overworld and murdering people in both areas." Leroy says. "Oh god. Well I'll help you if you need it." The Forest Steve says. "Uh, would that be a good idea? So far, two of my friends went missing and two of my friends have been killed." Leroy says. "Well in that case, I definitely need to help. By the way Leroy, are you a king now?" Forest Steve asks. "Never mind. I'll explain the rest later." Leroy says, "We need to get back to Earth. I want to go check on my other friends to make sure they're all still here." They all nod. "Forest Steve, you might as well come to. Get to know Earth as well." Lee says. "Sure I'll come. Let's go." Forest Steve says. They all rush back to the Orange Kingdom. Orange Leader had to stay behind and the Navy Apprentice had to go back to the Navy Kingdom. "We might as well teleport there now." Leroy says. They all nod. "How do we get there anyway?" Forest Steve asks. "Through a book." Lee says. "A book?" Forest Steve asks. Leroy says the chant from the book and they all teleport to Earth. After making it there, they all almost fell on top of each other. "Okay. That was weird." Forest Steve says. "Do you mind getting off my foot?" Lee asks him. "Sorry." Forest Steve says getting up. He looked at his surroundings very curiously. Leroy looked around for Nickle. "Nickle? Where are you?" He says. "Where are they?" Lee asks. "Nickle!" Leroy shouts. No response. "Uh oh." Leroy says, "I better see if Shadow Sabre knows where they're at." Leroy walks off to try and talk to him. "This place is very interesting." Forest Steve says. "We need to show you around Earth when things return to normal. Well hopefully." Lee says. The top class Yellow Steve looks at him sadly. Leroy comes back. He was very distraught. "Leroy, what's wrong?" The Yellow Steve asks. Lee looks at him as well. "Shadow Sabre is gone. I was about to check if he was there in my mind but I all of a sudden immediately knew he was gone. He's disappeared as well." Leroy says. "Wait what? How many people are going missing now?" Professor Red asks. "I don't know. So far Nickle, Shadow, Trevil and Hunter Green Steve are missing. Chips, Cheya, Uni and Davina might still be here but I don't know." Leroy says. But then they hear a caw and a peck at the window. Leroy looks over. They all look at the window. The eagle was back and was pecking at the window. It was very scared. "Uh oh." Leroy says. He opens the window and lets the eagle in. It perches on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" Leroy asks. The eagle perches on the open window and gestures somewhere. They all look out the window. The eagle looks at them and caws worriedly. "What is it doing?" Lee asks. Forest Steve nods. "This is our eagle friend. It seems to be able to sense any danger and also is capable of leading us to where exactly we need to go." Leroy says. The eagle gestures somewhere again. "Where are you gesturing to?" Professor Red asks. The eagle flies off the hinge and looks back at them and began gesturing again. "Come on. We better follow it." Leroy says. They all agree and leave the house to follow it. The eagle began flying deeper into the forest. "Where is it taking us?" Forest Steve asks. But then, they all fall down a hole. The eagle caws and turns back looking down. Leroy and the others hit solid ground. They were in what seemed like an underground lab. "Man. Of all the days to fall down a hole and hit solid ground like that." Lee says. Leroy stands back up. "Everyone okay? Also is everyone here still?" He asks. "I think so." Forest Steve says. But when they all stand up. Professor Red wasn't there. "Wait. Where's Professor Red?" Leroy asks. They all look around for him. "Professor?" Lee says. Leroy looks up. "Professor!" He shouts. His voice echoed up the hole. "Oh no." Leroy says. "Where are we anyway?" The Yellow Steve asks. They all look over and there was a long hall with red lights leading deeper into the lab. "Where does that hall lead?" Leroy asks. "Should we follow it?" Lee asks. "I think so. The eagle lead us here so we better head down there." Leroy says. They all began running down the hall. "This place is so large." Leroy says. The Yellow Steve was trying to keep up but he wasn't as fast. Leroy then noticed. "Hang on. Slow down guys!" He exclaims. They all turn back but when they did, the Yellow Steve was gone. Leroy gasps. "No!" He exclaims rushing over to where he was, "Not him too!" They all look at each other shocked. "Who is doing this?" Forest Steve asks. "I don't know." Leroy says starting to tear up. He hated seeing his friends go missing. He was worried that as soon as they were taken, they would be killed immediately. "Leroy, are you okay?" Lee asks. Leroy sighs and wipes away his tears. "I'm fine." He says, "Let's just try and find the end of this hallway." They all first look at each other concerned for Leroy but then rush down the hallway again. "I'm sure we will find them Leroy. Everything will be fine." Lee says. Forest Steve nods. But then, right before they passed another mile down the corridor. "Uh oh." Lee says. They all skid to a stop. "What's wrong Lee?" Leroy asks. "If our friends are gone then where do you think they went?" Lee asks. "I don't know. The Yellow Steve definitely took them because if they were taken that fast then clearly it had to be done with silent teleporting." Leroy says. "What is happening?" Forest Steve says. "I'm not letting you two out of my sight. Let's not run. That will make it easier for me to keep an eye on you two." Leroy says. "Leroy, so far, five of our friends have disappeared. Maybe we should go find Chips, Cheya, Uni and Davina and see if they can help us." Lee says. Leroy sighs. "Fine." He says. They grab Leroy but when he tried to teleport. He couldn't. "What the hell?" He says. "What's wrong?" Forest Steve asks. "I can't teleport. It won't work." Leroy says. "Let me try." Lee says. He tries to teleport but he couldn't either. "I can't teleport either. Something's messing with our powers." Lee says. "Well then we have no way to get out of here." Forest Steve says.

A King Vs Hell; Book #5Where stories live. Discover now