Fight Against The Law

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The eagle makes it to Nickle's house and pecks at the window. Chips gasps and rushes to the window opening the curtains again. "Huh?" She says. The others walk over and gasp. "Where is Leroy and Nickle?" Hunter Green Steve asks. The eagle pecks loudly at the window begging to be let inside. Cheya notices she can open the window and quickly opens it letting the eagle fly inside of the house. The eagle flies around the room rapidly hitting different things while it was. "Whoa!" Trevil shouts. It finally stops and hovers in front of the group worriedly. "What's wrong?" Professor Red asks it. The eagle notices the remote. It knew that the story was on the News because as it was flying, it flew past a store with a tv in it showing the story. It flies over to the remote turning on the TV. "Whoa. Who knew it was that clever?" Hunter Green Steve asks. The eagle looks at the TV rapidly after it hits buttons on the remote to check the channel making sure. He finally hits the News channel and caws at the group. They come over to the TV and gasp when they see what the News was saying. "Leroy and Nickle were arrested?" Ash says shocked. "We have to go help them!" Cheya exclaims. "But how? Nickle left their camera here and we don't have any evidence that Leroy didn't do it." Chips says. "Wasn't there a police officer who believed Leroy didn't do any of this?" Trevil asks. "There was but still. If we don't have any evidence then the police would have no reason to believe us." Cheya says, "Plus, we know Leroy didn't do it because he's been in the Overworld for the longest time when this has been happening." "Listen, we might not be able to convince the police but we still need to get down there now." Ash says. "Yeah. I'll drive us there but we have to hurry." Cheya says. They all rush outside and get in Cheya's car to go to the police station. Meanwhile at the police station, Leroy was sitting inside of the interrogation room again. He had already been questioned and was waiting for anything to happen. "Can't believe this is happening again." He says to himself. But then, the police officer who questioned Leroy earlier comes inside the interrogation room. She was trying to be unnoticed. "Oh hello again." Leroy says. "Hi Leroy." She says sitting down. "I don't know if you think I did that to those teenagers." Leroy says. "No. I know you didn't do it. I watched the whole thing." She says. Leroy gasps and looks at her. "You did?" He asks. "Yes. I was in the store across the street and saw the whole thing. Although, I didn't have my body camera on so I couldn't record what happened. I saw that person splatter you with that blood to try to frame you on what they did. They were trying to make it look like you killed those two teenagers to get you arrested so you can't do anything about them." She says. "They think Nickle helped me with the murder too because there were two knives on the ground but the person who really did this dropped those knives on the ground to make it seem like we did it." Leroy says. "I know. I'm going to try and convince them you didn't do anything wrong. Plus, I know you would never do something like that. You saved Earth from Wrath Steve anyway." The police officer says. Leroy nods. The police officer walks out of the interrogation room but then Cheya, Chips, Ash, Hunter Green Steve and Trevil enter the police station. "Oh hello guys." She says. "Oh thank goodness. Where's Leroy and Nickle?" Ash asks. "They're both in the interrogation rooms. I'm going to try and convince the other policeman that Leroy didn't do anything wrong. In fact, I watched the entire thing. The person killed those two teenagers and then dropped the knives he used to kill the second teenager with on the ground and splattered Leroy with the blood so it looked like he did it then he ran out of there." The police officer says. "Oh my god. That guy's a bastard. We need to get Leroy out of here." Cheya says. "We don't have any evidence though. The only evidence the other policeman got was the fake evidence that person put down to frame Leroy." The police man says. "Great. So how are we going to get Leroy and Nickle out of here if we don't have evidence of the person at all?" Hunter Green Steve asks. The police officer sighs. "I don't know but we need to try and convince them." She says. They all agree. Meanwhile, the police officer who found Leroy and Nickle was showing the other police officers what he recorded and pointing out the evidence. The group enter the room. "Hang on. That's fake evidence. Leroy didn't do anything." Chips says. "What are you talking about?" One of the police officers ask. "Leroy wouldn't do anything like that. This police officer saw the whole thing." Cheya says. "I did. Leroy didn't kill those teenagers. The person who really did it wanted to frame Leroy after he killed those teens so he put the two knives he used on the ground and splattered Leroy with the blood so it looked like he did it." The police officer with them said. "Well did you record any evidence?" One of the other police officers say. She sighs. "No. I didn't have my camera on so I couldn't record anything." She says. "Well we can't let Leroy and Nickle off the hook yet." The police officer who caught them says. But then the door opens behind them. "Wait! Don't arrest Leroy and Nickle!" Someone shouts. Two girls were standing at the door. One of them was wearing a headset. "Uni?" Cheya says. Uni was tall with brown hair, hazel eyes and pale skin. The other girl had black hair, blue eyes and slightly darker skin. Uni and the other girl run up to the table. "We have some evidence that Leroy didn't do this." Uni says.

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