More Problems

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Several hours later, Nickle was back at her house and sitting on her bed full of emotion. Leroy was there too. He was leaned against the wall and thinking about lots of things. Lee and Hunter Green Steve had returned to Earth. They promised to tell everyone about Ash dying so they could host a funeral for her soon. Leroy was very saddened by the death of Ash as she was one of the first people he met here on Earth and he knew how much Nickle loved Ash. Leroy walked over to Nickle. He sat down next to her. "Nickle, I know I keep saying this but I'm really sorry that Ash died." He says. Nickle sighs. "It's not your fault. She did save me." She says. "I know. I'm pretty sure that saving you was one of her goals. She wanted to make sure you live through this." Leroy says. Nickle huffs and stands up. "Why couldn't I have been the one who took the hit? She didn't have to do that!" She exclaims. "Nickle calm down. I understand that you're sad and angry but you need to calm down. Ash died saving you because she wanted you to be safe. She loved you." Leroy says. "I know she did. I loved her too. But knowing I won't ever see her again is just too hard to think about." Nickle says. Leroy sighs sadly. He knew how much Nickle was heartbroken by this. Ash and her were best friends. Chips and Cheya were also very good friends to them too so losing Ash is very hard to think about. Especially knowing they won't see her again. "Nickle, I know this is off topic but for a while now, Chips and Cheya have been calling you they or them rather than she or her. Why is that?" Leroy asks. Nickle gasps. She turned around. "I should've told you this before but I'm non binary. It means I don't identify myself as any gender." She says. "Oh. Why don't you?" He asks. "Well, it's just how I came out to be." They say. "So, since you don't identify as any gender, I have to say they or them?" Leroy asks. "I would appreciate if you do that." Nickle says. "I will. Did Ash know too?" He asks. "Yes. She also called me they or them." Nickle says. "I understand. Listen, I need to go back to the Overworld and find Trevil. I'm really wanting to go find that Yellow Steve after what he did. Especially after what Eternal Dark King said too." Leroy says. "Alright. I'll see you soon." Nickle says. Leroy nods. He grabs the book and enters the Overworld. But right when he did, for some reason he spawned outside of the Red Kingdom. "Huh?" He says. He picks up the book and stands back up. Leroy peered inside of the Red Kingdom and saw a few Yellow Steve's there too who were talking to a few of the Red Steves. "Hmm. Wonder why some of the Yellow Steves are here." Leroy says. He turns back and was about to head to the Navy Kingdom by teleporting but before he could, a laser hits him in the arm and almost knocks him to the ground. He gets back up confused. But then he gasps. The robot he attacked before was back. But this time, its eyes were glowing red. "Oh. You again." Leroy says. The robot rushes at him. Leroy jumps back up unsheathing the Judge's hammer immediately and hitting the robot back. The robot was able to get back up easily. It had a dent in its head and rushed at Leroy again. But before the robot could reach him. It is hit with an axe. The robot flails back. They both look over and there was Professor Red. The robot roars and rushes at him. Professor Red gasps. Leroy grabs the robot before it reaches Professor Red and throws it to the ground. It gets back up and grabs Leroy by the throat and also knocks the hammer from his hand. Professor Red gasps. But then out of nowhere, Lee appears and kicks the robot away. Leroy picks up the hammer. But then, the robot shoots three lasers from both his hands and knocks them all to the ground. Judge's hammer falls to the ground. The robot began approaching them ready to take them out but before it could, all of a sudden, a Yellow Steve appears and pushes the robot away. It backs away and looks up angrily. The top class Yellow Steve was back. Leroy gasps. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "Here to save you!" The Yellow Steve exclaims. Leroy jumps back up and helps Professor Red and Lee to his feet. He also picks up the hammer. The robot rushes at the Yellow Steve but he was ready. He punches it in the chest and the circle in the center cracks. The robot flails back. Leroy gasps. The Yellow Steve also gasps and looks at his fist. He was a bit shocked on his strength. The robot growls and rushes at him while he's distracted. But Leroy and Lee rush in and Leroy hits it with the hammer in the stomach while Lee stabs it in the arm. This knocks it to the ground. Leroy looms over it finally and uses the hammer and crushes its arm with the hammer powering it down again. Leroy turns back to Professor Red and the top class Yellow Steve. "Are you okay?" Leroy asks them. Lee nods. "Well I'm fine. Are you okay Professor?" The Yellow Steve asks. "I'm fine." Professor Red walks closer to Leroy and Lee, "I never thought I would be so happy to see a robot get beat up and destroyed." But then, the robot punches Professor Red to the ground. Leroy gasps. Lee got hit in the head and also was knocked to the ground. Leroy turns around. But then, the robot grabs Leroy by the throat and slams him on the ground. "I'm done with you!" It exclaims. The Yellow Steve gasps. He looks down and notices the axe. Professor Red groans and starts getting back up. Lee also began getting up too. The Yellow Steve picks up the axe. "Get away from him!" He exclaims at the robot. Almost instantly, he quickly hits the robot in the head with the axe. It lets Leroy go and backs up. Leroy gets back up slowly. The Yellow Steve rushes at the robot angrily. But then, the robot grabs him by the throat making him drop the axe and slamming him against the wall of a building. Leroy gasps when he saw that and gets back up extremely fast. The robot stares angrily at the Yellow Steve while strangling him. But then, it is stabbed in the back by Leroy. It gasps. The Yellow Steve also gasps. He is finally let go. The robot backs away then falls to the ground finally done in from the stab. Leroy looks at the robot full of anger. Seeing his student get strangled made him lose his temper. Leroy hates to see his close friends get hurt. He can never take that. Professor Red and Lee get back up. "Jeez Leroy. That was close." Lee says. Leroy breathes a sigh calming himself down. The Yellow Steve first was staring at the robot in shock then he looks at Leroy. He then rushes to Leroy and hugs him. Leroy gasps. He looks at the Yellow Steve. He chuckles. Professor Red looks at them and chuckles. "You two seem like father and son right now." He says. "Uh no. We aren't actually family but I guess you could see it that way." Leroy says smiling. The Yellow Steve looks up at him and smiles. "What is going on over here?" Someone asks. M walks over. "Sorry M. We were attacked by a malfunctioning robot. What is going on here?" Leroy asks. M looked at the dead robot and believed them. "The Yellow Steves all came over here after we told them about Ash's death." Professor Red looks at him shocked. "I guess that makes sense." Leroy says. "Leroy, I'm very sorry for your loss." M says. The top class Yellow Steve looks at him sadly. "What happened to Ash?" Professor Red asks. "Oh yeah. Forgot you weren't there when it happened." Lee says. "Ash was killed by that Yellow Steve on Earth attacking everyone. Her throat was slit." Leroy says putting his head down. Professor Red sighs sadly. "I'm sorry that happened." He says, "And I'm also very sorry for Nickle. I know she loved her." "Actually Nickle doesn't go by she or her. I know this may sound a bit strange at first to you guys but Nickle is non binary which means they don't identify as any gender. So they go by they or them really." Leroy says. "Oh. I didn't know that. Well, that's nice to know though." M says. Professor Red nods. "I was about to go see Trevil in the Navy Kingdom. We want to kill that Yellow Steve on Earth after what he did. I also want to go get Hunter Green Steve too." Leroy says. "Umm. That's going to be a problem. Trevil and Hunter Green Steve are missing. That's what I was about to come tell you. Hunter Green Steve just disappeared for some reason and nobody has seen him at all. Trevil disappeared this morning." M says. "Huh? What happened to them?" Leroy asks. "Nobody knows yet. That's another reason why a few Yellow Steves came here. Everyone is searching for Hunter Green Steve and Trevil but currently, nothing has been found yet." Lee says. "Hmm. I wonder where they went." Leroy says. But then, a Red Steve comes rushing towards them. "M! The Navy Apprentice and Orange Leader are here wanting to speak to you." He says. "Oh. I'll be right there." M says. The Red Steve nods and rushes off. "What are they doing here?" Leroy asks. "I don't know. Let's go see." M says. They all went to go see them. "Oh. M there you are." The Orange Leader says. "What's going on?" M asks. "We were about to come here to see if you knew where Leroy is but he's right here." Navy Apprentice says. "Is everything okay?" Leroy asks. "There was a loud crash nearby the Orange Kingdom that we wanted to go scout out. We wanted Leroy to be here just in case it was that Yellow Steve murderer." The Orange Leader says.

A King Vs Hell; Book #5Where stories live. Discover now