Bailed Out

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"Davina, what are you doing here?" One of the police officers ask. "I kept getting calls the past several minutes about the person people have been seeing and Uni and I needed to come down here after we found out Leroy and Nickle were here at the police station." Davina says. She was a 911 operator. "Wait. Why have you been getting calls about people seeing the person still?" Another police officer asks. Chips sighs of relief realizing they do have evidence. "Because Leroy wasn't the one who did it." Uni says. "So, there are more calls coming in of people seeing this person still?" The police officer said. "Yes!" Uni and Davina exclaimed. "And another thing, my friend Tommy was also watching the entire scene and was able to get a short video on his tablet." Davina says. She gave the police officers the tablet and showed them the video. "Believe us now?" Trevil asks. Davina decides to play back a call for more evidence. She plays back a recent call on the phone. The caller was saying something about seeing someone outside their house with a knife. The call took place five minutes ago so Davina did have proof. Davina also showed more calls that took place not long ago after Leroy was arrested about the person. "Alright. We'll let Leroy and Nickle go but we need to make sure that you have something to record evidence next time." One of the police officers say. "Lucky, Nickle has a go pro camera." Ash says. "That should be enough as long as Nickle has it attached to her chest the entire time and has batteries for if it dies." The other police officer says. "It's Nickle. They're always prepared." Chips says. They all nod. "Alright. But if you catch the person, bring them here immediately." The other police officer says. They all nod. Leroy and Nickle were let out of the interrogation rooms. They all headed back to Nickle's house. The eagle was still with them. "Leroy, why did you look so defeated back there?" Cheya asks. Leroy looked at her. "I really don't know. I just felt defeated there for some reason." He said. "Was it because you weren't going to risk attacking the officer?" Chips asks. "That could've applied to why I did." Leroy said. "I guess that's a bit understandable." Uni says. Leroy thought for a moment. He normally wasn't good with attacking people who have helped him before. Police officers have helped him before since he had worked with them a few times so attacking the police officers would have been very tough for him. Nickle put her go pro back around her chest so she could record any other evidence. She also put an extra battery in it. "I need to go to the Overworld for a moment. I need to check up on the Yellow Steves. I'll be back soon." Leroy says. "Alright Leroy. Just come back soon." Ash says. He nods. He uses the book and heads back to the Overworld.

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