Return Of Evil

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After the group got back to Earth. Leroy immediately felt something was wrong. "Huh?" He says. "Leroy, what's wrong?" Nickle asks. "I don't know. Something is wrong though." He says walking over to the door. Chips looks at Cheya confused. "Leroy, do you have another sense?" Hunter Green Steve asks. "Yeah. I can't tell what it is though." Leroy says. "Well, let's follow it." Nickle says. "Would that be a good idea?" Leroy asks. "It could be something bad so yes I think it is a good idea." Nickle says. Leroy sighs and gestures for the others to follow him. They all headed outside following Leroy. His sense was leading him towards the forest. They all come up to a clearing. But then Leroy stops. "What's wrong?" Lee asks. Leroy shushes him. He walks further on a bit. When the others tried to follow, he stopped them. "Leroy, what are you-" Hunter Green Steve started to say. "Would you hush for a second?" Leroy asks. "Sorry." Hunter Green Steve says. But then a bright light appears behind Leroy. "What the hell?" He says. But then something knocks him back. "Leroy!" Lee exclaims. But then the bright light explodes making them all cover their eyes. But when they all looked, there kneeling down on the grass, was Diamond Steve and Wrath Steve. They both stood up and Wrath Steve laughed loudly. All their eyes widened. "Well well well. Hello again Leroy." Diamond Steve says. Leroy stands back up and stares at them both angrily. "What are you doing here? I thought you were dead!" He says. "Oh don't think that will stop us from coming back. I see you still have the scar from where I punched you in the eye." Wrath Steve says putting his hands on his hips. Leroy covers his eye that was glowing red right quick. "What... Is happening?" Cheya asks. "We'll explain later." Nickle says, "If we are here later." "What do you want? Why are you here?" Leroy asks. Wrath Steve and Diamond Steve look at each other. "Your own death is near Leroy. You can't stop that." Wrath Steve says. Leroy gasps. Everyone does. Lee looks at Leroy. "I... I can't die." Leroy says. "You know you will. But it won't just be you." Wrath Steve says. Leroy thought back to how Sally died and what Shadow Sabre said. "What do you mean by that?" Nickle asks. "Well, Sally already died. But she's not the only one. You're all in danger in fact." Diamond Steve says. "Like we weren't before." Uni whispers. Cheya nods. Lee grabbed Leroy's shoulder and pulled him away. "What are you saying?" He asks. "Ahh. I see the family has reunited. That'll all change at the end of this though. We may not be around Leroy but you still have someone to deal with." Wrath Steve says. "Who is that guy?" Leroy asks. "Not someone you need to know about right now." Wrath Steve says. "Oh I know very well we need to know about him right now." Lee says. But before Wrath Steve or Diamond Steve could respond, someone else appears behind them making them both teleport away. It was Eternal Dark King. "Huh?" Leroy says. "Hello Leroy." Eternal Dark King says. "Eternal Dark King? What are you doing here? And where did Wrath Steve and Diamond Steve go?" Leroy asks. "Don't worry about them right now. They were only memories. Not really there. They were also only scaring you. But you still only have a matter of time left." Eternal Dark King says. "But they said Sally isn't the only one I'm going to lose." Leroy says. He remembered what Shadow Sabre said but was confused on how many people he would lose really. Eternal Dark King sighs. "This is not me saying you can't stop this but for now, they're right." He says. Leroy gasps. "Is there a way to stop this person?" Hunter Green Steve asks. "Yes. Like always there is a way." Leroy looks at his friends. "But you need to stop him fast or the problems will continue." Eternal Dark King says. "Wait. Are you a memory?" Chips asks. "I'm here but also not here. Wrath Steve and Diamond Steve were in fact memories. But me, well, I'm not sure." Eternal Dark King says. Leroy looks up at his crown. One of the gems were glowing. He takes it off real quick. The navy gem was glowing. Eternal Dark King noticed. He walks over and looks at it closely as well. "Trevil." Leroy says. The others looked at each other confused. "We need to get back to the Overworld and find him." Leroy says. Eternal Dark King nods. "Good luck guys. But please hurry." He says. "We will. Thank you." Nickle says. Eternal Dark King backs away and disappears. The group rush off but before they could get back to Nickle's house, the Yellow Steve appeared out of nowhere and stopped them by putting a shotgun up to them all. He cocks it. "Oh shoot." Nickle says. "Don't move. Any of you." The Yellow Steve says. Leroy huffs and unsheathes his sword. But then, the Yellow Steve shoots him. "LEROY!" Nickle exclaims. But then, Leroy saw that the bullet didn't even hit him. It was going to shoot him in the head but when it hit his crown, it stopped the bullet. Nickle sighed of relief. "How convenient can your crown be?" Hunter Green Steve asks. "I don't know." Leroy says. He pulls the bullet out of his crown. The Yellow Steve lowers his shot gun shocked that Leroy's crown was able to stop the bullet. But then, the yellow Steve unsheathes his knife and throws it at Leroy's abdomen. He exclaims and kneels down. Luckily, it didn't hit an artery. "Leroy!" Lee exclaims. Nickle grabs the hammer off of Leroy's back and throws it at the Yellow Steve. Since it didn't respond to her at all, he was able to dodge it. Leroy looked up and raised his hand. Everyone looked over and the hammer levitated and went flying to Leroy's hand. He stood up and the hammer glowed yellow again like how it did when he fought Diamond Steve. Gripping the hammer tight, he spun it and it started crackling with yellow lightning. His friends and brother looked at each other confused. Leroy wasn't going to put up with seeing his friends get hurt. "I've had enough of you." He says. The Yellow Steve rushes at Leroy with a sword raised but Leroy holds up the hammer and it knocks him back. The Yellow Steve stands back up. He rushes at Leroy again but Leroy powered the Navy Diamond and punched him in the stomach. The Yellow Steve jumped back up. But then he grabs Leroy's hand and makes him lose the hammer. Then he goes to stab him in the stomach again. But before he could, someone grabs his arm. The Yellow Steve looked over and there was Ash. She had returned. She grabs his arm with her other hand and throws him away from Leroy. He picks himself up and looks up angrily. Nickle walked over to the two as well. "You won't live through all this Leroy. You should have died months ago! I'm here to destroy you once and for all so you won't get in the way of anything else! You'll burn in hell!" The Yellow Steve shouts. Leroy, Nickle and Ash all gasp. The Yellow Steve looks at first Ash, Leroy then at Nickle. "But I'll take out your friends first." He says. He rushes for Nickle. Ash gasps and jumps in front of her. But then The Yellow Steve slits her throat when he realizes. "ASH!" Nickle screams. Leroy gasps. They all gasp. "NO!" Chips shouts. Ash held her hands over her throat. The Yellow Steve quickly cleaned the blood off his blade by wiping it off with his hand similar to how some horror movie killers do. "Pathetic." He says. Leroy looks at him angrily and punches him hard in the face. But when Leroy looks at him again, he gasps. His face was more exposed now. Part of the Yellow on his face had turned to gray. "What are you?" Leroy asks. "You don't need to know." He says. He then teleports away. Nickle grabs Ash who had almost collapsed to the ground. Leroy turns back. Lee also walked over to Nickle. Nickle was about to cry. Leroy stared in emotion. He remembered what both Shadow Sabre and Wrath Steve said. He was worried about what would happen to his other friends though. Ash groaned and knew there wasn't any way to save herself as she was already bleeding out too much. "Ash! Hold on! We, we can save you!" Nickle exclaims. Leroy started to tear up. He knew that some of his friends weren't going to be safe and some may not make it but he never wanted to lose Ash or Sally. Shadow Sabre was watching the entire thing from behind a tree. He sighs and walks away. Leroy kneels down in front of Nickle and Ash. Ash looks up at him first and then back at Nickle. "I'm sorry." She whispers. Leroy touches her arm. Nickle quickly held Ash's hand. "No. I'm sorry." She says. Ash really wanted to save herself but she knew she couldn't. "Nickle. I love you. Survive. For me. Please. All of you." She says. Nickle gasps. "Ash. Please." She says. Ash touches her shoulder. "You're alive and that's all that matters." She says. Ash then took her last breath and died. Nickle began crying. Chips and Cheya were also full of emotion. Uni and Davina looked at each other sadly. Lee stood up. Leroy also did and he turned his back to them. Lee looked at him sadly. Hunter Green Steve was also full of emotion but trying to hide it. Leroy put his hand over his heart to show respect for Ash. "I'm so sorry Ash. Rest easy friend." He says quietly. He sighs knowing that something like this was going to happen but was still shocked on who it was.

A King Vs Hell; Book #5Where stories live. Discover now