Attack At The Lab

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Professor Red was back at his lab working on something. He was doing a lot better after Wrath Steve was defeated as he's been able to do some other stuff knowing he was safe from danger. "Hmm. Wonder if I could get some parts to rebuild Assistant Steve." Professor Red says. "You won't need to." Someone then says. Professor Red jumped when he heard that. "Who's there?" He says. "You don't remember me?" The person asks, "Well if you don't, then I'll have to do something about that." Then something rises up behind Professor Red. It grabs him by the throat and tosses him to the ground. Professor Red looks back up shocked at who he saw. The thing had blue metallic skin, gray eyes, a gray chest with a blue spot on his chest and blue rails on his legs instead of the regular color Redstone rails are. It looked a lot like Assistant Steve but much different with blue metallic skin instead of orange. "I thought I burned you after I scrapped you." Professor Red says. "Did you really think I would stay out after you abandoned me? I was a failure to you but that doesn't mean I can't come back to haunt you." The thing says. Professor Red quickly gets back up and tries to push it away but the robot was much stronger than him. It punched him in the head and kicked him into a wall. Professor Red got back up and went to attack the robot. Professor Red was able to push it away but it still went to attack him. The robot punched him several times in the face before grabbing his arm and throwing him into a table. Professor Red was scratched up and beaten up pretty bad by the robot. He had blood on his face and body. The robot grabbed him by the throat and held him up. Professor Red then kicked him to the ground. But then the robot got back up and pushed him to the ground. He got onto Professor Red and began punching him several times in the face. The robot grabbed him by the head and tossed him to the other side of the room. Professor Red was bleeding a lot from his face. The robot slammed his hand on the table and the blood splattered off as if to try and hide evidence. Professor Red was terrified now. He grabbed the wall and tried to help himself get up but was too weak and injured to stand. "I was once supposed to be your Assistant Steve but you scrapped me after thinking I was a failure and preferred that other stupid robot." The robot says. Professor Red sits against the wall in a lot of pain. The robot stares at him. But then it grabs a dagger off the table and throws it at Professor Red. It hits him in the hand and Professor Red yelped when that happened. "Maybe there is more." The robot says. "Please. Leave me alone." Professor Red says. "You threw me out. You know I'm not going to stop until you are dead." The robot says. It was then about to deliver the final hit to kill Professor Red but before he could punch him, someone grabs its hand. The robot looks over. M was there and holding back the robots hand. M grabs the robots hand with his other hand and threw the robot away from Professor Red and into a wall. The robot gets back up quickly and was about to attack M but then out of nowhere, Hunter Green Steve and Chips appeared and they both shot the robot with their pistols. Leroy ran down the steps and pushed the robot to the ground. His friends were right behind him. "Whoa!" M exclaims. The robot gets back up. It tried to attack Leroy but he was prepared and punched it to the ground and as a way to keep it down, Leroy crushed the robots leg with his foot powering it down. Leroy turned around to face Professor Red who was still on the ground. He was holding his arms over his head from all the pain the injuries were causing. "My god." Leroy says. He walks over to Professor Red. "What was that thing?" Trevil asks kneeling down. Professor Red looked at him. "Jesus christ. That thing really beat you up." Nickle says. "That thing was an older version I made of Assistant Steve but it never worked right so I scrapped it and I thought it was burned but I guess I was wrong." Professor Red says. "It beat you up pretty bad. Are you okay?" Leroy asks. "What do you think?" Professor Red asks. "Sorry." Leroy says. "You better come with us Professor. M do you want to come with us to Earth too?" Chips asks. "I would but I have to stay behind and help out in the kingdom. If I get the chance to come, I will." M says. Chips nods in understanding. "Oh. I didn't even realize the dagger in your hand." Hunter Green Steve says. Leroy grabs the dagger and removes it from his hand but quickly applies pressure on it as well to keep it from bleeding. "Come on Professor." Ash says. Leroy helps him to his feet and they leave the lab.

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