"Holy shit! Who's on the cast?" I freaked out making my brothers smile.

"I don't know, look it up," Matteo shrugged with a grin spread across his face.

"We know, you want to celebrate with your friend, so we got her a ticket too," Alessandro continued.

"Fuck Nice!" I yelled getting my phone out to text Jess.

I didn't even realize it was them meeting my family before we were at the doors. 

As soon, as I saw her, Jess ran up to me and basically jumped on me with the biggest hug ever seen.

"I don't even know what to say. Congratulations!" She laughed into our hug.

"Thank you," I answered in a sing-a-song voice.

I quickly introduced my brothers to Jess, and reassured her, that I didn't even remember their names most of the time, so there was no pressure, which got a few laughs from my brothers until they realized I wasn't kidding. 

We took our seats, which were, once again, the best seats in the house, and soon the show started.

I can not express enough, how much I love Hamilton, and I absolutely adore Lin-Manuel Miranda. He's my absolute idol to the point, where I think I would faint if I ever met him.

The next day I had my third session with Camille. I thought I would warm up to her, but I really didn't which was a shame, since she seemed like a really great person. Something was just off, and I know it's normal to feel that way at first, but I didn't think it would work out.

"I think it's important for you to work through the death of your parents," Camille said, as we were thinking about what we should focus on.

"I don't," I bluntly said.

I didn't mean to be mean, I just didn't need grief counseling for something I didn't grief over.

"How so?" she asked picking up her clipboard.

I rolled my eyes at that. I hated when therapists did the clipboard thing.

"My parents were dead to me long before they died," I shrugged.

"Why is that?"

"They never were my parents. Not in any other sense, than blood, and I later found out my dad wasn't even my biological father."

"How was that? Finding out, your father wasn't who you thought he would be?"

"I don't know. I don't really care, since, like I already said, they were pretty much dead to me."

Camille quickly scribbled something down, as our conversation was going around in circles.

"I'll get back around to that, but you mentioned before, that you weren't even in the country when your parents died. Why was that?" she asked lowering her glasses a bit.

I took a deep breath, knowing I was supposed to open up. That's what she was paid for.

"I ran away when I was fourteen and didn't come back until I heard, that my parents were dead," I explained as shortly as I could.

"Why did you come back?" Camille asked.

I was shocked. That was the first time someone asked me the right questions.

"I have a little brother, that I left when I ran away. When my parents died, I didn't have a reason to stay away anymore," I explained fiddling with my snake ring.

Eli BorrelliWhere stories live. Discover now