Part 12: The Adeptis

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The group begins their journey as they try to find the adepti so that it can help the group regarding their situation. They first have to go to Jueyun Karst and go through a long and tiring process of walking and climbing to get to the place in order to do so. There they encounter an adepti that takes a form of a stag.

???: And who might we be? Those that dare enter Jueyun Karst?

Y/n: We apologies for coming to Jueyun Karst, but we were sent here.

Aether: Please take a look at this.

???: A Sigil of Permission... Many a season has passed since one was last in the presence of such an item. He before you is the mighty and illuminated adeptus, Moon Carver. Speak, traveler. What business have you here?

Paimon: Actually...

All of a sudden, the Millelith guards appear with the intention to apprehend the group.

Moon Carver: ...disturbing our borders. See them gone. One will not have interruption.

The group agreed as they summon their swords and go straight for the guards. Thanks to their excellent swordsmanships, they manage to take all of them out quickly as all they need to do is swing their swords several times at the guards to defeat them.

With the guards out of the way, the group can continue their discussion with the adepti.

Moon Carver: We've digressed. State your purpose, travelers.

Paimon: Well...

The group shares with the Moon Carver about the events that happened during the Rite of Descension.

Moon Carver: Preposterous... PREPOSTEROUS!!! The Liyue Qixing... utterly disappointing. How could someone possibly assassinate Rex Lapis during the Rite of Descension... And then place suspicion upon the attendees!?

Y/n (*thought*): Eek! He's mad.

The Moon Carver manages to calm down before talking to the group.

Moon Carver: ... Travelers, of the unjust accusations placed upon you, one has become aware. The mind knows its answer. Though one must consult with one's fellows, lest the mind be misguided. Go. Take your Sigil of Permission, carry with you a message.

Aether: Who should I look for?

Moon Carver: Mountain Shaper and Cloud Retainer can be found here. Only fate will decide if you shall find them — only fate. There exists a Conqueror of Demons, a Guardian Yaksha. Go to Wangshu Inn. There you shall seek him.

Y/n: Alright. Thanks for your help. We shall take our leave.

The group walks away from the adepti as they leave Jueyun Karst.

Saikou: Since there are two adeptis nearby, we can start with them first.

They then travel to Mt. Hulao which is a mountain that is filled to the brim with large ambers to seek out the mountain shaper. As they reach the peak of the mountain, they come across a man who seems to be praying. They talk to the man and he thinks that they are adepti messengers who are sent to rescue his brother. He explains that he was with his brother trying to find the treasure hidden in one of the ambers only for his brother to be trapped in amber.

They decide to help free his brother as they search for the ambers and smash them in hopes that one of the ambers contain his brother. In the end, they manage to smash the correct amber and free the brother from his amber cage. The man and brother manage to reunite and thanks the group for rescuing the brother which is followed by the two of them going down the mountain.

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